Flight to Lukla – A Scary Thrill Ride to Everest

Written By: The Planet D

The flight to Lukla is considered one of the most dangerous and flights in the world.

What makes this flight so dangerous? It is actually the landing strip at the Lukla airport. It has one of the shortest runways in the world measuring 525 meters (1,729 feet long) and it is one of the highest airports on earth at 9,334 ft (2,845 m). Combine that with the steep grade of the runway dangling off the side of a mountain, and you’ve found yourself landing at the world’s most dangerous airport.

Kathmandu to Lukla

flight to lukla from kathmandu video
Enjoy our video of flying from Kathmandu to Lukla

Imagine flying through the Himalayas in a tiny twin engine aircraft as flashes of “obstacle alert” continuously flash on the pilot’s rudimentary instruments.

This scenic flight isn’t exactly something normal people look forward to doing. But when trekking to Mount Everest base camp, it is necessary as the trek begins in the town of Lukla. Unless you want to add several days to your trek (when the Nepal visa is only good for 30 days) you don’t have a lot of choice but to fly into the Everest region from Kathmandu.

Note: Lukla flights have been suspended from Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu due to congestion and are now rerouted from Ramechap airport. We did not take this flight, so we can’t explain what it is like to fly from Ramechap Airport, but the thrill of flying into the Lukla Airport will be no less thrilling.

Lukla Flights are Dangerous

what to do in kathmandu

Our trip began in Kathmandu where we booked a tour to Everest Base Camp. We were about to spend two glorious weeks in the Everest region. We really didn’t know what to expect but we had heard horror stories about flights to Lukla.

Lukla flights are notoriously dangerous. Since 2000 there have been 7 crashes killing 50 people. Needless to say, the safety records of flights are dismal to say the least. The most recent crash was in April 2019 killing three people as the plane veered off the runway crashing into a helicopter.

Because the landing strip is so short landing is difficult. Pilots have to work hard to slow the planes down before they crash into the mountain wall at the end of the runway. Add to the narrow path of only 20 meters (65 feet) there isn’t room for a lot of error.

We got to the airport early in the morning after a sleepless night. Not only were we about to fulfill our dream of trekking to Everest, but we had to get there first. And it all starts with landing at the most dangerous airport in the world.

Kathmandu to Lukla

back in kathmandu flight from lukla
Kathmandu Airport

Kathmandu airport is crowded and chaotic. I can understand why things have moved to Ramechap Airport. When they say the Kathmandu Airport is congested, they mean it. Luckily, our guide Dipendra was flying with us and helped us navigate through the chaos.

Our Lukla flight was booked with Tara Air and we felt pretty confident As we understood, Tara is the most popular airline to fly to Lukla. There are two other airlines that fly into Lukla though, Summit Air and Sita Air are also popular.

We had a short bus ride from the airport to the tarmac and boarded our plane from outside. It was a small twin otter airplane that holds about 20 people. It looked a little rough around the edges, but we were “all in” at this point, so we held our breath and got on the plane.

The Flight

foggy weather flight to lukla
foggy weather on Lukla Flight

The weather was foggy and grey and we were hoping for a sunnier day. In 2008 flight crashed due to foggy conditions killing 50 people when it missed the runway in Lukla and I wasn’t thrilled about landing in bad weather on the short runway of Lukla Airport.

But as we left the Kathmandu Valley, the clouds opened to blue skies and we started to relax into our scenic flight of the Everest region en route to Lukla Nepal.

The hour-long flight is a huge thrill. It’s a bare-bones flight with no cabin service, but what it lacks in ambiance, makes up for views and excitement.

We sat at the front of the plane and saw the pilot’s instruments constantly flash “obstacle ahead.” It looked as if we were about to crash into a mountain at any time. The entire view in front of us was one massive mountain after another!

cockpit instruments on lukla flight

We also got our first glimpse of Mount Everest. What a beauty!

There was a bit of turbulance during our flight that made my heart jump in my throat, but I kept looking at the pilot and he seemed cool as a cucumber. He has probably done this Lukla flight a thousand times. (at least that is what I hoped.)

What is the Best Side of the Plane to Sit On

flight to lukla nepal a wall of mountains
  • The best side to sit on during flights to Lukla from Kathmandu is the left-hand side for the best views of the mountains.
  • On the way back from Lukla to Kathmandu choose the right-hand side for the best views.

The flight goes by fast and before we knew it, we were glimpsing over the cockpit window staring at a tiny landing strip. Were we really going to land a plane there in the middle of the mountains? Needless to say, we held our breath during landing.

View of Lukla Runway

lukla flight airport runway
View of the Tenzing/Hillary Airport Lukla Nepal

When the plane came to a stop, we started breathing again. We had arrived at Lukla Airport. Officially named the Tenzing Hillary Airport, it is a crazy airstrip dangling off the side of a mountain. It is short, it is steep and it falls thousands of meters into an enormous valley.

it is fitting that it was named after Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa, the first two men to summit Mount Everest in 1953. These two men took a great risk climbing to the summit of Everest then, and now the people who follow in their footsteps take great risks just to reach the start of the trail!

I must admit, I felt a bit giddy. Not only for surviving flying to Lukla, but to be following in the footsteps of legendary adventurers. The first obstacle was out of the way, now it was time to trek.

Lukla to Kathmandu – Two Weeks Later

What is scarier than taking a flight on a small twin otter airplane through the Himalayas of Nepal from Kathmandu to Lukla? Having to take a flight back in even rougher weather.

We survived the flight to Lukla, but we were pressing our luck getting on a plane again. I was more nervous about going back to Kathmandu. I almost suggested trekking out of the Lukla rather than flying.

Taking off on that short of a runway was not something I wanted to do.One false move and we’d drop thousands of feet into the valley floor below.

During our trek back down from Everest, I dreaded the thought of getting back on a plane.

The Return Trek

ebc trek reaching base camp
Celebrating – Reaching Mount Everest Base Camp

After two weeks of trekking the most famous mountain range on earth, it was time to return to civilization. We had three days of trekking back down and we were praying for good weather. Flight cancellation is not uncommon in Lukla. Weather conditions can change in an instant.

Sure enough, while trekking down we heard rumours that planes had been delayed for three days due to weather. This did not look promising for us.

We really wanted to get back down and out of the mountains as we were now over this trek. The thing about trekking is, once you have reached your goal, all you want to do is get back down and move on to other things. The climb is over, the excitement is gone and you are sick and tired of hiking.

All we wanted was to catch a flight off that mountain and enjoy some pasta and a spa day back at Kathmandu. We kept walking and praying that by the time we reached Lukla, the weather would change flights would resume.

We reached Lukla early afternoon and heard that both flights to Lukla from Kathmandu and flights out of town had been cancelled. We still had a day, so we hoped things would change.

Stuck in Lukla Nepal

Starbucks in Lukla ...but not Really! Nepal has a habit of copying trademarks
Waiting for our Lukla Flight at Starbucks? Not Really, Nepal has a habit of copying logos

On the morning of our flight we awoke to grey clouds and fog.  We were scheduled to fly out at 9:00 but that time came and went and we were stuck.

The problem with being delayed in Lukla is that there isn’t a lot to do there.  Prices are high and the village is small. We went for a walk and circled the area in about an hour. We had books to read, but we were anxious to leave and we were tired

At least there was a “Starbucks” to hang out in.  It isn’t the real Starbucks Coffee, but it was comfortable and sort of warm with decent lattes.

So with nothing else to do, we sat and waited….and waited.

Read all our tips to Trekking Everest Base Camp

Bad Weather in Lukla

flight from lukla nepal - bad weather
Our Lukla Flight Grounded due to fog

As much as we wanted out of Lukla, we didn’t like the looks of the black abyss at the end of the runway. I was willing to wait for flights until the weather cleared. I just prayed that it wasn’t too many days of waiting.

After a few hours, we heard a group of planes finally flying in from Kathmandu. Things were looking up! If flights could come in, maybe flights could go out?

Once the planes landed, we got word that flights were going out. It was nearing the end of the day and we were scheduled for round three.

Round one had made it through and round two was flying out mere minutes after the planes arrived. Would round three be a go? If the weather held off we would be back to Kathmandu by the end of the day.

We waited at our hotel for word. It finally came that we were to the airport and check-in.

Two more planes came in from Kathmandu one after another and as quickly as the passengers were filing off, we were filing on. We had barely enough time to strap in to one of the 14 seats on the tiny plane before the pilot took off.

A Rough Flight Back to Kathmandu

lukla flight back to kathmandu deb on flight
ready for take off

I looked at the window across the aisle. It had a crack that was taped shut with duct tape. Was this flight even going to be safe? Or were we going to join the other infamous Lukla flights that had gone down in flames?

The takeoff from Lukla airport is terrifying. The short runway plunges into a deep valley surrounded by the Himalayas. I couldn’t look out the window for fear that we fall off the end of the airstrip before getting liftoff. 

I kept telling myself that the pilots are professionals, they do this several times a day. Every day.

There was a jolly Sherpa in the seat beside Dave that kept me calm.  He had obviously taken this flight many times. He was relaxed and when the weather was rough I looked to him to make sure he was still smiling.

Not long into the flight, we hit severe turbulence. When I looked over to the friendly Sherpa, his smile had faded to a look of worry and dread.

We were tossed around like a rubber duckies in a wave pool. Everyone fell silent. There was an uneasy feeling and the mood was heavy.  We hit an air pocket so hard that if we weren’t wearing our seat belts  we would have gone head first into the ceiling.

All we wanted was to get out of Lukla earlier that morning and now we wished that we had waited an extra day for the air to clear.

Views from the Lukla Flight

flight to lukla the valley views
Looking out the window didn’t help!

I reached behind to grab Dave’s knee with my sweaty palm. I clenched his leg and thought to myself, “Well at least if we crash we will be together

I tried to look out the window to relax. Maybe if I face my fears head-on and embrace the view I will feel better. But the constant swaying, bumping, and rocking made me airsick. Even Dave, who has the steadiest of nerves was silent and stressed.

My mind wandered and I went through all the times I had been rude, complained, or was short with people during our travels. I worried that Karma was coming to bite me in the ass. I vowed to be a better person if I survived this flight. Seriously, I thought about these things.

This Lukla Flight was the Longest 45 Minutes of My Life

flight to lukla nepal plane

When we landed, the jolly Sherpa laughed and clapped his hands. I knew then that we were on a flight that made even the most frequent fliers of the Himalayas shake in their boots.

We talked to a fellow trekker that was on the other plane that flew out just before us as we picked up our luggage in the parking lot. (Yes, we picked up our luggage in the parking lot)

She threw up on her flight and looked dazed and shocked. I am surprised that people didn’t throw up on our flight myself included. We all seemed a little shell shocked by the experience. But we were safe now.

The sun was shining bright and it was warm and breezy in Kathmandu.  We had been cold for two weeks and had forgotten how warm it was at a lower altitude.

We survived Everest, We survived that flight and now all we had to do was survive that taxi ride through the insane traffic back to the guest house.

As with everything in our travels Dave can now say, “Been there, done that and bought the T-shirt to prove it.”

Read More about Nepal and Himalayan Travels

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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17 thoughts on “Flight to Lukla – A Scary Thrill Ride to Everest”

  1. We stayed at the Everest Base Camp in March. The hike was great. But the flight to Lukla and back, the purest horror. No, this is no fun.

    Greetings from Munich

  2. Amazing and life thrilling adventure flights … It’s provide fun sometimes but in the cloudy day, my heart starts to sake with fear … I flew more then 50 times

  3. That sounds truly terrifying! I’m not a fan of flying at the best of times and I really don’t think you would get me on a plane again after that!

  4. I think after reading your description Kristen will be even more petrified than she normally is on big planes! I hope she doesn’t read this.

    My worst experience on a plane was between Martha’s Vineyard & Hyannisport. It should have taken about 20 minutes but the flight kept going, & going…for about 50 minutes. We were in pea soup fog and I have no idea to this day what happened. The pilots weren’t talking so our imaginations were working overtime and one thinks the worst.

    I’d rather walk to Lukla.
    .-= Leigh´s last blog ..Life After Twitter =-.

    • Hi Leigh, We were actually thinking of Kristen during this flight. Our flight with her to Zanibar was pretty scary. It wasn’t scary on the way there, but worse on the way back. Now that is a terrifying experience that you had to Martha’s Vineyard. I always look to the flight attendants for reassurance. I wonder what they were doing on your flight? Did they look nervous too?

  5. Great video – I had forgotten what it was like to be able to see into the cockpit and through the front windows of the plane.

    The worst flight I can recall being on was a 6-passenger single-engine plane from Ft. George, Belize out to Ambergris Caye…..the pilot looked to be in his teens, but tried hard to appear professional in his crisp, pressed uniform. On landing at the extremely tiny, all dirt airstrip on Ambergris, he had to abort landing once to avoid a goat that wandered onto the airstrip, then on his second try he had to do this odd hop-and-dodge maneuver to avoid some chickens. The people there would not have taken kindly to the loss of their valuable livestock, and the pilot knew that. At one point I was afraid he was going to roll the plane, but we made it there and back safely.
    .-= Trisha Miller´s last blog ..To Be Successful at Writing, Make Time to Write =-.

    • Oh My God Trisha. That is way more terrifying than our experience. I would have been afraid to get back on the plane. I cannot believe that a goat wandered on to the airstrip. I am glad you made it back safely.

  6. I did the flights in and out of Lukla last year. Kind of like landing on an aircraft carrier stranded in the mountains. The departure is fun – they stow extra luggage in the aisles. Avoid the German bakery – they seem to be missing a few key ingredients in their food….

    • That is the perfect way to describe it Keith. I would love to land on an aircraft carrier. Now that we have survived Everest, I think that I could handle it:)

  7. Wow I can totally relate to this! Did this trip about 2 weeks ago and on the return flight to Kathmandu we were delayed for 4 hours. We even got in the plane and it was about to taxi off, then they decided to abort, it parked and we all had to file off the plane again to our frustration! We sat on the tarmac under the wing for 2 hours just in case at any minute they would say it was going to take off again…
    .-= Beryl´s last blog ..Black + White =-.

    • Hi Beryl. I don’t know if I would be able to get on the plane after they decided to abort the take off. We had to abort a flight during mid take off in Kilimanjaro Airport. If I were allowed off the plane, I never would have gotten back on. Instead we all had to stay onboard while a sandstorm passed through. All I wanted was off.
      It is very frustrating waiting. We kept walking back and forth to the airport just to see if any planes had arrived. We did say to ourselves that we were the lucky ones. The people on the first flight out had to sit and wait in the airport and couldn’t leave. At least we had some freedom and just had to be close to our hotel to receive the word that we could fly.

  8. Sounds like quite an exciting flight. We took a single engine plane from the capital of Belize across the jungle to a small grass strip near the Guatemalan border to stay in a jungle resort. That was quite an exciting flight. I asked the pilot where he would land if the engine failed and he just shrugged. He did some low approaches over a Mayan ruin and over some flamingos and manatees.
    .-= Michael Tefft´s last blog ..Shooting the Mosin Nagant =-.

    • That sounds like a great flight Michael. I guess it is just best to not think about those things. That is what I assume the pilot was doing:-)
