15 Stunning Photos to Inspire You to visit Morocco

Written By: Niclas Glud

If these Morocco pictures don’t inspire you to visit Morocco, nothing will! 

I look up. Still a short way to go. I take another deep breath as I try to lay back the last few meters. My feet are sinking into the sand. Almost knee-deep.

I’m exhausted but hope that I will be greeted with a beautiful view of the Moroccan landscape as I reach the top of the dune.

I take the last few steps and try not to think about the heat and the exhaustion I feel. And Then: I made it. Finally.

Inspiring Morocco Pictures

visit morocco photos sarah desert and camels
After two hours on camelback deep into the desert, this was the view that greeted me, once I sat upon Erg Chebbi.

View from Erg Chebbi Morocco Sand Dune

The wind feels much stronger at the top. Sand whizzes past my face, as I marvel at the beautiful view beneath my feet.

I’m standing on top of Erg Chebbi, deep inside of the Moroccan Sahara desert. This is one of the most amazing views I have ever experienced in my life.

Morocco Images to Ignite Your Wanderlust

In this post, I’m going to show you amazing Moroccan photos to inspire you to visit Morocco.

Sand, sand and more sand. That’s what you get when visiting the desert. However being surrounded by big sand dunes, and cut off from the rest of the world is an incredible experience.

If you choose to visit Morocco, make sure that you visit the Sahara desert, as it is such an incredible experience.

The perfection of the desert

photos of morocco | reasons to visit morooco desert
Caravan on the Sahara Desert

As the sun was just above the horizon the shadows formed a perfect frame of this caravan about to enter the camp in the Merzouga desert.

Sitting on top of Erg Chebbi watching the caravans roll into their camps was an incredible experience. However, to this day, I’m still trying to clean my camera bag for sand! 

visit morocco in photos milky way over desert desert
The Milky Way over the Sahara Desert

As darkness set the milky way slowly started appearing on a moonless night.

Standing beneath millions of stars makes you realise how big the universe is.

morroco pictures sahara desert
Sunsetting over the Sahara

A caravan slowly makes its way towards their camp, as the sun slowly starts setting beneath the bigger dunes.

Taking a camel safari is one of the most incredible things you can do to yourself as you visit Morocco.

The Moroccan personality

If you enjoy observing daily life pass by you will love Morocco.

There are so many interesting personalities, and so much diversity in the way people present themselves through the way they dress.

I have visited more than 20 countries, and can truly say that as you visit Morocco, you will experience some of the most interesting and unique people you will ever come by.

morocco pictures snake charmer
Snake Charmers of Jemaa el-Fna

A snake charmer in the Jemaa el-Fna in Marrakech.

Hot Tip: Be aware of those as they will suddenly appear behind you and wrap a snake around your shoulders. Afterwards, they will try to force you to pay them.

travel to morocco in photos market
Taking a break after a hard day’s work

A local worker relaxing against his cart after a long days work.

It amazes me how locals can wear this much clothing in 35 degrees! (95 degrees Fahrenheit)

morrocan pictures berber
Berber Man

This is the traditional headwear of the Berber people in Morocco.

As you travel towards the desert their numbers will increase.

Doors. These stood out to me, as I made my way around the medina of Fes. For some reason, there are so many interesting doors and different patterns.

Besides, the Medina of Fes will expose you to some of the most interesting locals you will encounter in Morocco.

Architectural perfection

reasons to visit Morocco in pictures
Doors in the Medina of Fez

As you visit Morocco and make your way through the country, you will experience incredible beauty in the architecture.

Everywhere you look you will experience interesting buildings and diversity in the way everything is built.

Making your way through the medinas you will find yourself constantly lost, simply because everything seems to look the same.

However, this is part of the Moroccan charm. Some of the most interesting buildings you will experience are located in the medina.

The medinas are truly fascinating places to witness and it’s magnificent that they have been maintained for this many years.

morocco in pictures | blue medina Chefchaouen
Inside the medina of Chefchaouen

The medina of Chefchaouen will always amaze me.

Every corner you pass will present beautiful blue streets and countless photography opportunities.

photos of morocco | Essaouira

Amazing scenery in the city of Essaouira. The city is known for Game of Thrones.

“The port city of Essaouira was used in season 3 doubling as Astapor. Remember the scene beside the sea when she has rounded up the unsullied and given them a choice to fight for her?”

An incredibly relaxed city where everything seems much less hectic than in cities such as Marrakech or even Fes.

There is an incredible vibe here.

Venturing up towards the Spanish mosque will give you an incredible overview of the blue pearl.

Stop along the route and have views like this, where the sun sets directly behind the city.

morocco in photos | people doors
Royal palace doors

Incredible patterns are everywhere on the Royal Palace.

I have been told that it is always packed with people, however, when I visited midday during July, no one else was around. A must visit place in Fes.

pictures of morocco medina
Explore the Medinas

The locals venture down “hidden” streets of the Medina in order to avoid the masses of people.

Fez has tons of those small streets and no matter how long you spent in the city, I doubt you will experience all of them.

morocco in pictures |. iti
Rooftop Terrace view Chefchaouen. Watching

Having a riad with a rooftop terrace is a must when visiting Chefchaouen. Watching sunset from a rooftop is one of the most amazing things you can do when visiting the blue city.

This wraps it all up!

Morocco is one of the most beautiful and unique countries to experience. I hope that this photo story will inspire you to visit Morocco as the country is truly marvellous.

Read More:

10 Remarkable Things to do in Marrakech

Morrocan Food Guide – 11 Must try foods and How to Eat Them

5 Things You Must See in Morocco

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

About Niclas Glud

Niclas is an avid photopgraphy that has visited more than 20 countries, and look to add another 9 new countries over the coming year. In his guide he shares travel tips, guides and photography tips

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32 thoughts on “15 Stunning Photos to Inspire You to visit Morocco”

  1. My Dream comes true ,
    When I show amazing camel riding and my dreams come to see the this planet.
    After few year I meet French man he motivate me to see the beautiful country .
    I am going to see again when I have time.

  2. Morocco has been on my must-visit list for numerous years now, and I can’t faith I still haven’t made it there yet. Thanks for the truths on the costs. As you talk about, it is sensible friendly. It’s great the all-inclusive deals transportation to the main points of attention. Lovely pictures of the place by the way. Thanks for the stimulus and I look forward to visiting Marrakech soon!

  3. These pictures truly captures the soul of the place. And although I love the pictures of the places, something of the pictures with the locals gets me. Their smile, their daily routine, its like they speak a thousands of untold stories!

  4. beautiful photos by you Niclas, thanks for sharing. After seeing these photos by you i am feeling like to visit Morocco now..

  5. Amazing photos and a place I have yet to travel too. I would love to photograph the desert but I would be so worried about sand getting in my camera gear, how did you protect your kit ?

  6. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos of Morocco. As your title says i am in love with the Morroco. It looks like Morocco is very beautiful. Hope i will visit one day.

  7. Great post. Photos are truly amazing. Thanks for this post. As well as a request to visit my newly created website and share your valuable information.

  8. I went to Morocco recently and it really is incredibly photogenic. I hated the snakes though – not because I’m afraid of them, but because I heard that the snake charmers sew their mouths shut so that they can’t bite. The monkeys chained up aren’t much better. But the rest of Morocco is awesome.

  9. Morroco has always been on my bucket list and your photos just make me want to get on the plane and go there ASAP! So beautiful!

  10. Amazing view thanks for sharing your wonderful experience. Honestly i want to tell i m really going to fly to see this post.
    Thanks again.

  11. We like your Photography,Pictures and Information.In morrocco the goat head meat was famous.Thanks for the sharing information.

  12. Nice post. This trip looks so epic! Such a beautiful part of the world. Fantastic list of things to do which I will be adding to my list of things to do when I go there someday! You shared awesome places and pictures also.

  13. Went to Tangier earlier this summer, but to be honest I think another city would have given me a much more positive view of Marocco. Would love to go back and visit Marrakesh some day!

  14. These pictures looks incredible. Morocco seems very great place to visit. Your pictures make me want to go there and see all the things which you mentioned. Thank you so much!!

  15. Nicely capture is it click by you, Its really a good photos and inspired to all photographer and get some idea when they clicking the awesome photos by reminding it.
