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Sigatoka Jet Boat Safari

For a special day in Fiji, the Sigatoka Jet Boat Safari is highly recommended. With thrills and spills, culture and education it is the most well-rounded trip on the main island. We didn’t have this excursion planned during our FijiMe…

Exploring Thailand by Train

Traveling the interior of Thailand there are a number of options, ranging from (in increasing order of local interaction) planes, taxis, buses, and trains. Exploring Thailand by train is by far my favorite.  Planes are fast, impersonal, and can be…

Why We Love McDonalds in France

Blasphemy you say! How can you love McDonalds in France? It is a country renowned for its rich cuisine and fine wine.  Stepping foot in a McDonalds is like thumbing your nose at the French heritage. How Dare We! But…

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