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Where to Eat and Drink in Milwaukee

Rounding up where to eat in Milwaukee with the coolest cocktail lounges and bars. These are the best places to eat and drink in Milwaukee offering great food, fascinating history, and signature cocktails! Located in the State of Wisconsin on…

Lessons Learned from Being Mugged Abroad

Last month I celebrated the anniversary of an event that made a significant impact on my life and molded me into a more savvy, independent, and conscientious traveler. I was mugged by three individuals on a sunny afternoon while I…

Kangaroo Island Wildlife Sanctuaries

Wildlife in Australia is unique and fascinating. Nowhere else on earth can you find kangaroos and wallabies or koalas and dingoes. While there is a bounty on many an animal’s heads in Australia, there are some wildlife sanctuaries on Kangaroo…

The Blue Mosque of Istanbul and tips for Entry

You may not have heard of the Sultan Ahmed Mosque, but I am sure that you have heard of its other name, The Blue Mosque in Istanbul. The Sultan Ahmed Mosque of Istanbul is Istanbul’s most famous landmark. So why…

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