Top 5 Memorable Massages in the World

Written By: The Planet D

Yesterday we had our first massage in India. We had the full body Ayurvedic Massage will therapeutic oils. It was different and it made us think about oru other memorable massages we’ve had around the world.

Top 5 Memorable Massages in the World

I am sure that we will be having more as we go through our travels in Asia.

It made us think about the other memorable massages that we have had around the world.  We love getting a massage, it is a luxury that we cannot afford to have regularly at home, so we take advantage of it whenever we travel.
Some experiences have been better than others and some stand our in our memories better than others.

1. Reflexology: Penang Malaysia

get paid to travel massage therapist
Deb getting a pedicure in Nepal

In a back alley in the heritage city of Penang, Dave and I had our most painful experience while having a massage.  We thought it would be nice to have our aching feet massaged and tended too after traveling for about 4 months.

Well, this wasn’t your every day pamper me massage.

This foot therapy involved strong hands pushing on pressure points and not letting go until he was good and ready.

We squirmed in our seats and winced with pain while he prodded around our feet.  Our expert reflexologist told us exactly what was wrong with us and all of our ailments.

He was bang on about everything and even though it was painful, it was definitely an unforgettable massage for the feet.  Price: About $10

2. Back Bending Massage in Laos

destination spa massages on earth
Destination spa for men

We had been told my many that we had to get a massage in Laos.  We were in Vientiane when we had our first experience.

The two of us walked into a large room sectioned off with curtains and mats all over the floor.

We had a massage side by side and these guys twisted our bodies in all directions.  They were pulling us back, sitting on top of us, pulling our arms.

It was a little scary at times, but we came out alive and feeling pretty limber to say the least.

About $5

3. Beach Massage in Vietnam

Nothing like relaxing at the spa!
Nothing like relaxing at the spa!

We were chilling out in Mui Ne after both experiencing about a week of illness.  A massage was just what the doctor ordered to make us feel better.

Two little unassuming women walked by as we lay on our lounges and asked us if we wanted a massage.

We decided to go for it and they put us through the wringer.  These little ladies had strength and they pounded and pressed on our muscles until we were literally black and blue.

Dave got the worst of it.  We assume since he was the man, the woman pushed even harder.  He had bruises all over his body for a week.

It was quite tender to touch as well. $3 bucks, you get what you pay for.

4. Heavenly Ethiopia Massage

We had just been riding our bicycles through Africa for nearly 2 months and by the time we reached Addis Ababa, we were in desperate need of some pampering.

We booked at room at the Ghion Hotel Resort a where they also had a spa.   Our muscles had been tight and sore since we left Cairo, so a massage was must.

We were led to separate rooms where we received our individual massages.  It was very sanitary and hospital like. But the massage was great.  Just the right amount of pressure to work out the knots, but not to hard that we were black and blue.

After the session was over, we were free to spend time in the steam room and  jacuzzi tub that they had just filled specifically for us.  We hopped in and out of the steam room from the cold water shower to the hot therapudic steam.

After a couple of hours there, we were ready for bed.

Luckily we had two rest days in Addis Ababa.

About $12

5. Bali Floral Bath and Massage

massages of the world bathtub

Ubud Bali is one of the most tranquil places on the Island.  It is a beautiful town set in the interior and it was a perfect place to book a massage.

We each booked individually, but they took us in together.  We walked into the office and were sent to a room where there were two tables side by side.

They closed the hospital like curtains then told us to take off our clothes and lay down.  We didn’t know how much we were supposed to take off so we stripped down to our birthday suits unsure if we were supposed to or not.

I guess that everything was O.K. Because they didn’t bat an eyelash when they came into the room.  It was a very soothing and professional massage.  They covered us with towels and worked on each section with expert hands.

After an hour, we were lead to another room where a floral bath was waiting for us both.  We hadn’t had a bath in months.

It was heavenly and we stayed in that tub until the water turned cool and our hands and feet pruned up.

About $10

Have you had some memorable rubdowns around the world? Let us know of a place where you had your best or most unique massage, we are always seeking out some pampering!

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About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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23 thoughts on “Top 5 Memorable Massages in the World”

  1. I appreciate a great massage. I did not know that there were more than a couple of them, and from all around the world even. I am not sure I am up for the more acrobatic back bending massage just yet, but I have seen a couple of things I would like to try at the earliest opportunity. Thanks for these

  2. First time I see Back Bending Massage in Laos – never heard before) The colors are so vibrant – your photography is fantastic! I am so glad that I found this helpful post and now I have expanded my knowledge of massage!

  3. Good blog on where you got massages! Who doesn’t love a great massage right??? If you are in Nashville Tn try . I guarantee one of the best massages you ever had!!! Of course it not $3 to $10 lolol!
    I loved massages so much I became a massage therapist and opened my own company years ago! ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. The best massages we (couple) ever had was on the island of Koh Tao across the street from Captain Nemo’s where we stayed. The women that worked there knew how to get the knots out of my wife’s shoulders and back. My Masseuse gave me a good rub down from head (yes I do mean scalp) to toe, including squishing my toes through her fingers. The place was clean, with clean sheets and towels and the price was too low to seem real. Of course we left them a sizeable tip for their hard work. There are actually two places across from Captain Nemo’s but this establishment was the place directly across the street. We were there in February of 2016.

  5. We’ve had many of the SEA massages you mention, but one very memorable one for me was in New York City’s East Village. The place is called the Russian and Turkish Baths, and it’s an institution. This is NOT a luxury spa experience, it’s traditional and no frills. They give one heck of a massage! You can opt for a Russian massage, or go for a Platza Oak leaf beat-down. Either is a hardcore de-tensing treat.

    • Oooh, that sounds amazing. I’m going to have to give it a try. We have since this post had a couple of Hammams in Turkey and Morocco, now we have to give the Russian one a try. Thanks!

  6. We’re from India, surprisingly, none of the massages we’ve had here measure up to even the streetside massages in Thailand. I guess Thai Massage really hits us better than Ayurveda. Ayurveda seems like more of a rubdown than a massage. and the spa’s just seem more about the aroma oils and ambience. Ofcourse, the Indian Champi head massage is one of a kind. One of the best I’d have to say was at the Chiang Mai Night Market. Cheapest too.

  7. I am a professional masseur from Chennai,India…if anybody visit
    chennai pls contact my mail id

    Pain relief massage, aroma massage, relaxing massage,sensual massage,yoni massage, erotic massage,acu massage, PMR are available

    mail me at [email protected]

  8. A foot reflexology massage can indeed hurt a bit, especially the first session but the rewards are plenty. Each time I feel relieved. Never had a back bending massage but after looking up some youtube videos I can’t wait to try one as I’m regularly suffering from pain in my back. Would be so liberating!

  9. Cool…you have tried Bali massage at Ubud! Yeah, Ubud is the place. In my opinion, it’s not just a massage, but also involves something spiritual.

  10. I LOVE Malaysia’s foot reflexology – there is also a place in old PUDU, KL that is so old, the furniture stinks of that characteristically pungent, nutmeg massage oil. The pain and pleasure is bitter-sweet indeed! Lovely post, thank you!

    • Hello Agnetcikay. That reflexology was the most painful experience. Dave didn’t have a lot of pain. The whole time the guy was working on his feet (after I had mine done) he kept looking at may and telling me that I should be more like Dave. He has no stress.

  11. I have to admit, before clicking on this story, I thought, “I’m curious how many of these locales will be in Southeast Asia”. Surprise, surprise, it was most. ๐Ÿ™‚

    This is a great list. Having traveled years ago through SE Asia with a friend, he got an hour long massage for $8 on one of the more remote Thai islands. Looking back, I wish I had to. Here in the good ole’ US of A, I’m staring at $75 or more for an hour long massage.

    Eat it up! Affordable massages are a rare foreign delicacy.

    • Ha Ha! We were just discussing getting one here in Sri Lanka. Maybe it will make the list!
      It is true one must take advantage of cheap massages before heading home.

  12. It’s funny how getting a massage is, in our western culture, viewed as a “luxury” instead of a necessity, or even just a preventive measure against stress-related health issues. And WHY on earth it’s SO expensive here is just beyond me. I try to get a massage everywhere I travel to, and I honestly don’t think that the quality of service here in the US is so much better to be worth 10 times the cost of anywhere else. But I am glad that you’re getting to enjoy it!
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