21 Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Written By: The Planet D

What? You can get paid to travel? Yes. You can travel the world and get paid! We are living proof that you can make money traveling.

We have been traveling around the world for the past 11 years. Working in travel is our full-time job and we get a lot of questions about how we make money. In this post, we want to peel back the curtain so you can benefit from our knowledge and start on the path to making money while traveling. The first half starts with how we make money traveling and then we branch out to different ways to make money in travel.

Get Paid to Travel the World

Over the years of being professional travel bloggers, we have learned what works and what does not. What I know for sure is that working in travel is not a “get rich quick” kind of career. There is a lot that goes into building a business and brand that allows you to get paid to travel.

  • If you want to get right into it becoming a travel blogger we have provided this quick reference for you: learn How to Start a Travel Blog

How we fund our travels

When we first started out by cycling the continent of Africa, we had no idea of how we were going to make money. We had a travel fund saved of $20,000 from working in the film industry and this is what we used for the first year to pay for our travels.

We made a base in India where we could stretch our dollar while building our expertise in travel. It was easier to grow our social media channels and blog views by constantly traveling to new and exotic destinations that didn’t break the bank.

Once our flights were bought to Asia, we travelled on a very cheap budget. For example 4 months into our travels, I remember sitting at a cheap guesthouse in Hikkaduwa, Sri Lanka. We only had 2 months left in our travel budget and were worried about having to go home.

But since we had been updating on social media and writing blog posts every day, we had a small audience and a few days later we sold our first ad. They bought 4 ads at $40 a month for 12 months. We suddenly had nearly $2000 to fund our travels for another 2 months! After that, we sold more ads and as we travelled, we paid for them through our blog.

Today, most of our travels are funded through tourism boards, tour companies, and brands or destinations that want us to promote their regions or products. They will take care of our travel expenses including things like our hotel room, meals, flights, and activities.

  • If you are feeling overwhelmed by money, read a few of our articles and guests post on budget travel below.

Ways We Make Money Traveling

how travelers make money

Our income in 2020 took a nosedive in the travel space, but we still made a six-figure income. That is because we have multiple sources of income. Even though travel bookings ended, we had several ways to continue earning a comfortable living. In this post, we share pre-2020 numbers and posts. We feel confident that in time, we will be back to where we ended.

Note: Some blogging income streams are only available to you once you reach a certain traffic threshold on your website but most of them you can apply early on. The takeaway here is to focus on building your brand and expertise and do what you love. As you grow organically, the money you make grows with you.

1. Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliates marketing has become a larger part of our income in the past couple of years. You can start this at any time, but its success is dependent on a loyal audience and search traffic.

What is affiliate marketing?

Basically, when you click on the link to a product or service that we recommend and then make a purchase, we receive a small commission. This is at no cost to you and we always only recommend products and services that we believe in. This can range from booking websites for hotels like Booking.com or TripAdvisor to products that we like on Amazon or renting a car at Rentalcars.com.

Income: Monthly affiliate income ranges from $20,000 to $40,000 depending on the time of year.

2.  Display Advertising

If you are just starting out, Google Adsense is a great place to get your feet wet with display advertising. But there are many Ad Networks that bloggers work with.

What is Display advertising?

Display advertising is where a product or service is advertised on our website through visual images like banner ads and videos on our website. Display ads are easy to implement and you get paid a small amount of money each time someone clicks on the ad. It may not be a ton of money at first, but as you build your website it can be quite lucrative.

Once you have built your readership you can apply to work with an ad network where you can get a better price for your ad space Currently, we work with AdThrive who pays us out by the number of visitors that come to our website and see their banner ads. We make a fixed dollar amount per 1000 impressions.

Income: With display advertising, we make between $30,000 to $35,000 per month

3. Destination Campaigns 

Destination campaigns used to be the main way we made money traveling when we were on the road full time. But we still do many destination campaigns each year.

What is a destination campaign?

A destination will invite us to visit their region and cover all of our expenses. They also pay us a fee to help them promote their destination through social media, creating videos, writing blog posts, and creating photography content.

If you are just starting out you may be able to get your part of your trip subsidized or even all of it paid for. But, to charge a fee for the services you need to have built an audience and offer tangible value to the destination.

Income: Destination Campaigns can range anywhere from $10,000 to $20,000 per campaign. One-off social projects and smaller destination packages range from $500 – $5000.

4. Brand Partnerships 

We work with brands and tourism companies that we believe in and feel confident recommending.

What is a brand partnership?

These are usually year-long contracts where we discuss what the client’s needs are and what type of coverage we will give them. It can include social media coverage, blog posts, videos, T.V. appearances, speaking at conferences, or participating in ad campaigns. You are only limited by your imagination.

These are great if you have a brand or company that you already use and want to work with them. We have worked with brands like Allianz Global Insurance, UnCruise, American Express, Intrepid Travel, and British Airways, to name a few.

Income: Brand Partnerships can range anywhere from $5000 to $50,000 per campaign depending on length and deliverables.

5. Photography Sales

We license our photos for advertising and editorial use to Destination Marketing Organizations, (DMOs) magazines, books, and brands. This is always part of our larger packages with brands and when we do destination campaigns. We also sell prints to the general public through gallery shows and online.

Income: Print Sales can account for up to $10,000 per year. Photo and video licensing can range from $300 to $10,000 depending on the terms

6. Public Speaking

Once you build up your authority you can apply to speak at different conferences. We have traveled the world doing speaking engagements which usually offer free trips before or after a conference.

You don’t have to speak about travel to speak at conferences, think about what your expertise is, and create a session about it. Be it inspirational, informational, or about a particular subject, conferences are always looking for experts.

Public Speaking can account for up to $10,000 per year. This can range from $300 to $3,000 per engagement depending on the terms

7. Digital Products

Another way we monetize our travel blog is to make and sell our own digital products. Since we get a lot of traffic to different destination pages we decided to make downloadable travel guides. The creation of these can take a bit of time but it is one of those things that I look at as “passive income”. Once you make it once, it just needs to be updated once a year and it provides income all year long.

  • We know people that strictly make money selling through Amazon and their store. They don’t use a blog and instead leverage Amazon for sales.

Income: From our City Guides we make $300 to $500 per month.

8. YouTube and Travel Videos

While making travel videos is always a part of our package when working with brands and destinations, we also make an income from YouTube and Roku advertising.

It takes a while to see money come in from YouTube, but once we built a solid base and subscribers list, we now make a decent monthly income off of videos. And, now companies find us on YouTube and offer to purchase video licensing and offer sponsorship which can add up quickly.

  • YouTube: $1600 – $2000 per month
  • ROKU – $200 – $400 per month

9. Freelance Writing and Photography

travel and get paid freelance writing
Doing some freelance writing at the airport

We accept freelance writing contracts a couple of times a year. And you can still pitch travel writing to many publications around the world.

The prices can really fluctuate. When working on a branded campaign for a publication we can make thousands of dollars for one project. But when writing an article for a publication, it can be just a couple of hundred dollars. As you gain expertise, you’ll be able to approach publications with confidence, and soon, editors will be approaching you.

  • Freelance Writing: 5k – 10k per year
  • Freelance Photography: 10k per year

The Planet D travel blog Revenue

Pre Pandemic we earned a very high 6 figure income. In 2020 even with travel plummeting, we still made 6 figures and bounced back to above 2020 income by Mid 2022. Having our hand in many revenue streams has helped us through these times. We never just focused on SEO, Social Media, or partnerships. We focused on them all.

By having several income streams, we have been able to weather the storm. We never put our eggs in one basket and that has worked well for 15 years. We suggest if you want to make money as a travel blogger or influencer, you focus on having several streams of income.

You have to remember this didn’t happen overnight and it is a ton of work.

I think if you are prepared for the monthly fluctuation in income, love traveling, writing, being creative, and are dedicated enough to be your own boss you too can get paid to travel.

Other Travel Jobs to Pay You to Travel

The ways we make money above is certainly not the only ways that you can make money traveling. We know plenty of other bloggers who do other things that we don’t. These are all great ways to add diversity to your income stream.

10. Teach English Online

anti theft travel accessories computer
Always stay safe online

We have met many full-time travelers that were doing just that. They make an hourly wage from $15-$20 per hour just by letting people practice their English over Skype, Zoom, or Google Meet.

If you are living abroad in a country that is cheap to travel to, this is an excellent way to supplement your travels and even live if you are staying in the right place where it is cheap to travel. Check out QKids and VIPKID to get started. Read Our full guide on How to Teach English Online

11. Teach English Overseas

If our travel blogging career didn’t work out, we were going to teach English overseas. If you have a college degree, you can make huge money teaching English. I know many travel bloggers started out teaching English overseas. When they had days off, they would go out and explore, write about and share their experiences and grow their audience. TEFL is a good place to start. read more: Fancy Teaching English Abroad in 2021? – Consider TEFL

12. Work on a Cruise Ship

I (Deb) have actually done this. I was a singer on a cruise ship and it was an amazing way to get paid to travel. There are many opportunities on a cruise ship from being a bartender, a waitress in the bars and restaurants blackjack dealer (I have done that as well and it’s a fun job) chef, barista, fitness coach, event coordinator. The possibilities are endless! The pay isn’t huge, but your room and board are covered and you will get to travel long term without breaking your wallet.

13. Work at a Resort or International Hotel

Looking to find a job in travel? Check out resorts where you can bring in your expertise. Get an education and you can work as hotel staff and management around the world! Whenever we visit high-end hotels, the staff is always international and constantly moving around. From teaching snowboarding (our Prime Minister of Canada did this for a season) to working in restaurants, being a part of the entertainment staff or fitness.

14. Spa Staff

Dave and I love to go to the spa and whenever we do, we notice that the staff is very international. Become a massage therapist and the sky is the limit. Resorts, cruise ships, and private spas are always looking for reliable staff.

15. Creating and Running your own Tours

We have many friends in the travel blogging and photography world who have designed and run their own tours for their readers. This can be quite labour intensive at the beginning but it can also be quite lucrative. The key to making this successful is to be an expert in the area that you want to focus on.

Once upon a time, only National Geographic Photographers and Lonely Planet or Travel and Leisure writers could get paid to travel the world. Now, the possibilities of getting paid to travel are endless.

16. Yoga Instructor

Many people are offering Yoga Instruction online. Use your time in isolation to become a certified yoga instructor and then look for schools around the world to apply. People go on yoga retreats all the time and this is an excellent opportunity to travel and get paid while doing it.

Unique Ways to Get Paid to Travel

spa rimini deb

17. Travel Nurse

Do you have a medical, or a nursing background – take your business abroad.

18. Social Media Assistant

Do you have Social Media skills? – become a social media assistant, virtual assistant or consultant. We have a Pinterest manager and we used to have someone help schedule our tweets and Facebook updates.

19. Website Developer and Maintenance

Know web development? – offer your expertise to help businesses and bloggers with their website maintenance.

20. Deliver Cars or Boats

Many people hire others to drive their car home from a vacation in the south or when moving across the country. If you have a licence, be a car delivery person and take a road trip!

Repositioning of boats is also popular. If you have sailing experience, you can captain a sailboat to its next port of call.

21. Work on a private yacht

I’ll never forget meeting Bobby in Nepal. He was an American working as a first mate on a private yacht in the Middle East. For his vacation, he decided to trek to Everest Base Camp. He said he made a lot of money as staff.

Do you know of another way to make money from traveling? We’d love you to share your ideas in the comments. 

Read Next More Ideas on how to live your dream

How can I get paid to travel the world?

We make money traveling through our ads and affiliates on our travel blog, as influencers on Instagram & YouTube, and as brand ambassadors. But there are many other ways to make money traveling.

How much do you get paid to travel?

We make a comfortable 6 figure income annually through these income sources.

How can I make money traveling like you?

As a travel blogger, you can earn money traveling by selling e-books or courses, freelance writing, affiliate income, and more.

Disclaimer: We do receive an affiliate commission from the books and courses mentioned. If you click through there is no extra cost to you. 

Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use Booking.com and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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120 thoughts on “21 Ways to Get Paid to Travel”

  1. Hello!!! I am Amy G. Despaigne and my passion is travelling and culture. I create content for Local Educational Tours/Facebook and you have been very inspirational for me. I just want to say THANK YOU! The article 20 Most Beautiful Carribbean Islands to put on the Bucket list is representative of all the diversity in our tourism. Colorful, varied and brief… just love it!

  2. Great article!

    Congratulations, guys! I’m a travel photographer and considering doing travel blogging. Thank you for sharing such a very informative guide.

    Stay safe and cool!


  3. It’s really an awesome and informative blog.
    We’re not just providing desert safari dubai but also providing city tours, water adventure tours and much more activities.

  4. These job ideas were so helpful!! Teaching English online or overseas sounds like something that I would love to do. Working on a cruise ship also sounds like a dream and something I would love to do. Thank you again for the amazing ideas!!

  5. Hey Dave and Deb,

    Great post about how travel bloggers make money through blogging. The point you make about earning huge amount of money through travel blogging resonates well, because it details that bloggers can earn profit in their travels through advertisement, photography, content writing, and even public speaking.

  6. Thanks for sharing those amazing tips. I find that very helpful. I am trying to implement afiliate soon. I got advertisement covered for now.

  7. I have found out that there is no sure way to find out whether you like people or hate them than to travel with them.

  8. I’ve been following your blog since 2017. Over the years, you blog gain lot’s of fame. No doubt you’ve guys have done the hard work. It’s not easy to achieve what you have done. I also received so many inquires on my blog but mostly asking for free links >))P

  9. goodness, you visited awesome places everywhere throughout the world, I truly need to travel all around the globe.

  10. If you are passioned about about to Travel Around the world, You’ll never lose hope and Try to Do something different than others. hey The PlanetD Team you guys are really awesome in sharing such great photos. Thanks

  11. Hey Dave and Deb,

    Great post about how travel bloggers make money through blogging. The point you make about earning huge amount of money through travel blogging resonates well, because it details that bloggers can earn profit in their travels through advertisement, photography, content writing, and even public speaking.

    Recently, we wrote something similar: https://www.museuly.com/blog/highest-paid-travel-bloggers/

    • I appreciate how you were honest about the diminishment of the affiliate earnings because of the past couple of years. I hope you get it back in the groove!

  12. Wow! There’s so much to take in here! I think this is going to take a few sessions to digest. Thanks so much for the information though, so helpful xx

  13. wow, you visited wonderful places all over the world, I really want to travel all around the world.

  14. Hi Dave & Deb, great tips! Thankfully more and more companies realize nowadays that remote working can be a huge advantage, and there are sites like Upwork or Fiverr where people can easily find any type of freelance work.

    Keep up the awesome work with this blog! 😉

  15. I always follow your articles, and you write terrific but this post get paid to travel is fantastic. Keep writing like this, keep working keep going
    I also have an excellent blog about travels and mystery lovers.

  16. What an amazing compilation of tips! This is really good post for everybody starting an online business and a life of travel to realize it is possible to achieve dreams! Dream travels!

  17. Travel blogging has become a very hot profession these days. What could be better than making some good money while staying in 5-star hotels, enjoying food, having best local tours? Very nice insights.

  18. So much information about traveling the world and getting paid for that on a single page.
    It has been a great pleasure to read your story and the videos and pics are excellent……
    I hope someday I will be able to travel the world the way you have been travelling…
    very very inspirational indeed

  19. Great article guys. It does take time and we are slowly getting there. It is great to know that we are on the right track. Look forward to seeing and listening to you at #TBEXEurop2017. You guys are such an inspiration.

  20. You guys clearly haven’t heard of the world’s coolest travel club. It also gives the opportunity to travel and get paid. After reading this, i’m more convinced that what i’m doing is the best way to get paid by traveling, ever.

    • We haven’t heard of the coolest travel club. But I am so glad that you have found a way to travel and get paid for it! 🙂

  21. Thank you. It was awesome, I get to know lot of new things through this article. You guys are really doing a great job by sharing your personal experiences.

  22. That’s a full-blown list of possibilities to earn money whilst traveling. And they do work, I can imagine.

    I was wondering if the travel on itself is considered as a holiday, working whilst on holiday is gonna be hard. It mainly depends on the mindset of course. It would get boring if every day was spent traveling only. And it would be tricky to travel without money later on, so eventually, the mind-shift should happen.

    Thanks for sharing the great ways to earn money whilst traveling. Have a wonderful time. Hopefully, it’s not raining where you are right now.

  23. New social networks becoming progressively more prominent. In short, you’re open to a lot of opportunities that I didn’t have

  24. Very good advice, I have been dreaming of being a full-time blogger since long, just did not get anough coarage to start it. The main reason is my day job is very strict in timing and I became exhausted by the tie I finish it and do not have much energy to work at home. But in the other hand I am not sure will it ok to quit my day job first as I have Kid and wife that depending on me.

  25. I was lucky enough to work in the travel industry for various airlines, for 25 years +, which was a great way to see the world for free or low cost. There are still good travel concessions to be had if you work in the airline/travel industry, and there are lots of opportunities apart from being a flight attendant. I am still learning my trade as a travel blogger though, as no internet media existed when I first started travelling. I guess that means I have to re-visit lots of countries, which is great, and I am beginning to do that.

  26. Great list of info a resources! I think what is lost on most people searching this topic is, no matter what route you go, it boils down to putting in the work.


  27. As a travel lover person I always used to think about I can get such money. truely, I was also very depressed at the present time. But this tips are really great for me and for the persons like me. Thanks for the great help.

  28. Well thanks alot for these great tips, One of the biggest problem is how to make all the money for exploring the world, It would be best if we start earning while travelling, what a great advice, Thanks alot …

  29. I’ve been going through your blog, FANTASTIC! What you two are doing is exsctly what my husband and I are working towards. I just started our blog and am SO inspired by you. Thank you!
    I traveled overseas as a child and have been missing it terribly, is been a growing hunger in my heart and soul. My best friend is my better half, we work together (he owns his own sign company), lately we’ve been in that rut and getting out and leaving is becoming more of a necessity for our sanity. I so glad to have found your blog and all your inspiration to push us along in our goals. We’ve been using kids and material things as excuses to hold us back from doing what we REALLY want to do with our lives. I will be signing up for the travel blog success courses and following you more closely (now that I’ve found my inspiration). Once again thank you, I hope to meet you both some day and exchange stories and laughter.

    • Thanks Tammy, so glad we could inspire you. Before we started ThePlanetD we were constantly scouring the Internet and magazines for inspiration, so I’m glad to see that we are doing our job of keeping the inspiration going. It’s great to see another couple that works together. If you already do that at home, you will settle nicely into blogging together. Plus it sounds like you are already quite artistic with running a sign company. I’m sure we will meet one day, you’d be surprised at how many people we’ve talked to online and then met somewhere out there in the world. In the 21st century, the earth is very small. Thanks for the comment and all the best to you!

  30. We saved $40,000 last year – just by 1) renting our Montreal condo, 2) Spanky continuing her job from a distance, 3) living overseas. And we got to ‘live’ in the Czech Republic, Thailand, and Croatia with lots of little side trips.
    And it wasn’t just about saving the money. It was about breaking that 9-5 home-work routine that drains the life out of everyone. It also made us realize just how darn expensive Canada is.
    We’ve spent the last month in Montreal catching up on admin stuff and will be leaving in a couple of weeks for Year 2 of our travels.
    Frank (bbqboy)

  31. I really admire you for quiting your job, traveling and making money. I believe that this is what we all want to do, but very few of us have your courage to do it. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

  32. Thank you for your tips. I have a question… I have a 7 year old son but I would still like to have a job traveling. How often do you come across someone with a small child with them in their adventures?

  33. I like most of your ideas …… my feeling is like in all these occasions, the initial days are going to be the most challenging ….. i think travel blogging, freelance writing and looking for part time jobs while traveling are the best ways to do it…

  34. Thank you for such a wonderful post. Your stunning photos and informative posts keep on bringing me back to your blog again and again. All the best for upcoming journeys. By the way, another way of making money while travelling is to draw and paint your way across the world 🙂 (Candace Rose Rardon). Opportunities are endless. ~Gaurav (India)

    • Thank you for the kind words. Thanks for mentioning Candace! We know her and I can’t believe I didn’t think of that. I appreciate you sharing. And you are so right, the possibilities are endless!

  35. I love reading such posts where we talk about money-making to be able to travel. It’s always encouraging and helps us to think as to how we can spread our wings and look for newer ways to make money. Thanks so much for this post!

    • Thanks Renuka. It’s great to share stuff like this to help get the creative juices flowing. We always need a little motivation ourselves. Even we are always searching for something new to try. Thanks for the comment!

  36. It’s my first time here and I love your blog!! and thanks so much for sharing your hints and tips on managing a travel blog :):) I’ve been working as a wedding photographer for the last few years and have fallen out of love with weddings! I’ve recently (in the last few weeks) started a travel and lifestyle blog as I love shooting travel photography and have travelled quite a bit over the last 20 years and have a 6 month trip to SE Asia coming up in November so seizing the moment. I have a VERY long way to go yet though until I gain some interest! Keep up the amazing work and happy travels 🙂

    • Best of luck to you Nicola. You are going to love South East Asia, it is a photographer’s paradise. Keep us posted on how things go!

  37. @Shane, yes! Thank you, will look at this with my gf when she gets back to the room! Excited just to read about it!

  38. Thanks a lot for sharing such valuable information!

    I’ve just started blogging and working out my ways to facilitate both traveling and making money.Posts like these throw the light and show the ways to newbie’s like me!

    Way to go! Bookmarking it NOW

    • Thank you Reshma, and glad we could give you some resources. Sometimes all we need are a few suggestions to get the creative juices flowing.

  39. @Scott This isn’t a mega yacht but this yacht captain sent us this ad last week: http://www.jobsabroadbulletin.co.uk/cookhousekeeper-deckhand-for-luxury-private-motor-yacht/. The position is a volunteer one but it might be a way to get some experience along with a free cruise around the Greek islands.

    One another of our sites we interviewed a superyacht stewardess: http://www.the-working-traveller.com/worldwideworker-katie-wilter-superyacht-stewardess/, while these agencies might also help with your research: Dovaston Crew, Silver Swan Recruitment, Super Yacht Crew, YPI Crew, Camper & Nicholsons International, Luxury Yacht Group, Bluewater, WilsonHalligan, Northrop and Johnson.

  40. Dear Deb and Dave,
    Sorry to be a bit negative, but why is erverybody always sharing those absurdly coloured, filtered pictures on Instagram? I find them horrible. Am I the only one?
    I hope, I didn’t offend you. But if a great picture on Instagram means to apply such a filter on a before normal picture … Well then, I might have lost touch with this world. 🙂
    Maybe I should register for a therapy until I like such pictures?
    Best regards, Charles

    • No worries Charles, it’s definitely not for everyone. Our Instagram photos are quite different from what we post on our website. I look at Instagram as a form of artistic impression. I love looking at saturated colours and seeing what creative ideas and concepts people come up with. That’s the great thing about art and photography, it’s subjective. But you are right, we don’t put our Instagram shots on our website. Our photos on ThePlanetD are more true to life, crisp and real to the eye. But we like playing with both. And no, you haven’t lost touch with the world. I think it’s the people that bury their noses in their cell phones 24/7 liking and commenting on Instagram are the ones that have lost touch with the world…literally. They need to look up and explore the beauty around them, not only the things happening on the screens of their iPads and phones.

  41. Being an au pair is a great way to not only travel the world but to completely immerse into other cultures. I spent 2 years in the US and 1 year in Germany. Thanks to that I could slowly discover the countries and cultures and not worry about paying bills or renting a house. I could definitely recommend it to anyone! My brother actually became an au pair too, because he got jealous of all the travelling I’ve done wiith my host families and friends.

    • Thanks for sharing Marta. Yet another way to get paid to travel. I love it! I had heard about that, what an amazing way to travel. And I am assuming that the people who can afford an Au Pair are quite wealthy, so you most likely get to travel and live in style!

  42. @Noel – It’s definitely a win if you can make money in your home currency. @judykarwacki – Whaaaaat? I wanna work on a MegaYacht!

    I think the crazy thing is like @shane said, there are so many opportunities and the more you travel the more you discover them. It’s a bit liberating to realize travel isn’t super expensive, and there are becoming more and more abundant opportunities. Again MegaYacht – will research this!

    • You are so right, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many ways to make money while traveling now. It’s an exciting time to explore the world. Good luck with the MegaYacht research.

  43. Great ideas, I think if you can take a profession that can travel abroad in the currency you make, then that really works well to your favor, along with scaling back or downsizing to afford this type of lifestyle.

    • That’s a great point too. Living remotely does offer that opportunity. A lot of people can be paid in their own currency while working abroad. Put that money into a lower cost of living and it’s win win! Thanks for sharing Noel.

  44. Thank you for the wonderful ideas. I will follow some of the tips but others may not be applicable to mine. I have travelled 13 countries already but still I am using my own money for the travel expenses. I wish I can do what you have done. More travel to you soon.

    • Best of luck to you! It sounds like you are well on your way to a great travel career. Dave and I didn’t start really getting into travel until our 30’s, you’re probably well ahead of us already!

  45. Thank you for the shout-out! Essential oils really changed my life, although I had been traveling 17 years before that. I think if there is a will to travel, there is always a way to make the money to do it.

    • Thanks for the inspiration at TBEX Katja, You looked so happy and content. Wow! 17 years of traveling amazing! I guess what I meant was that you weren’t focusing on a travel blog like us, you had an entirely different business model and made it work. It’s impressive! And I forgot to mention that Tom Cruise featured your product on Oprah. I must go and add that in!

  46. thanks deb and dave as always! before we’ce learned about travel blogging my fiance and i are doing massage therapy and english teaching from asia to latin america.. would love to share story or tips on how to be a massage therapist on the road.. can i guest post on planetd since you’ve already mentioned it above!:)

  47. these are all great tips! thanks for sharing! im thinking of freelance writing just dont know when to take the leap!

    • Good luck to you. Take it from me the sooner the better. As someone who didn’t know what I wanted to do for a very long time, I wish I figured it out earlier. But at the same time, you have to take the leap when you are ready, too soon can be overwhelming. Just follow your instincts.

  48. Hi Deb and Dave,

    This is good. Really good…..

    I’ve been doing research on travel blogging and I love the suggestions you’ve provided on generating revenue.

    I clicked the link for the inspiration series but the content of the page doesn’t load. https://theplanetd.com/inspiration-series/ Maybe it’s just an issue with the browser I’m using.

    Again, thanks!


  49. This is such a great and informative post. I’ve been working on getting more into freelance stuff, and eventually want to try out a couple more of these methods! Thanks for putting it all together

    • Thanks Dave, best of luck with your freelancing! There is still lots of work out there. I actually think there is more work than ever with the Internet opening up. It’s not a closed door mentality anymore. It used to be overwhelming trying to figure out how to get published, now there are many opportunities! Cheers!

  50. What an amazing compilation of tips! This is really good post for everybody starting an online bussiness and a life of travel to realize it is possible to achieve dreams! Happy travels!

  51. Thanks again for another instructive post Dave and Deb!

    Travel bloggers who make a name for themselves can also become brand ambassadors, do consulting work for destinations and brands, attract sponsors, etc. There’s a variety of other ways to make money, especially if you become known for your niche. I always recommend that newbie bloggers develop a niche. Otherwise, it’s much harder to rise above the noise. Cheers, see you tonight!

  52. I worked on a yachting tourism study in Antigua a couple of years ago and learned about a dream travel job that I wish existed when I was in my teens/20s. It is working on megayachts. It’s better than cruise ships because they are small so you work with a family and small group. A lot of the work is around supporting the guests in recreation such as snorkeling, SUP, fishing, picnicing, etc. Long hours but very good pay, especially tips, and lots of time off. The people I met were having a ball doing it. Caribbean during the North American winters and Mediterrean postings during the summers. Hiring generally occurs in Florida.

    • I can’t believe I didn’t include that! We have a friend of ours that is working on a Mega Yacht right now! We met Bobby in Nepal in 2010 and he is still travelling the world and working on yachts. Excellent advice, thanks Judy!

  53. There are so many ways to get paid to travel: DJing in the Alps, managing a campsite in France, guest clergy onboard cruise ships, immersive English teaching in Germany or Spain, sea kayaking instructor jobs in Alaska, crewing a private motor yacht around the Greek islands, cleaning and readying a canal boat in the UK, becoming a dive instructor, holiday rep, airport transfer driver, or artist in residence, leading school tours or gap year programmes, driving an overland truck through Africa, looking after disabled holidaymakers, working for summer camps in America or winter camps in Switzerland, enticing customers into bars in Kavos, waiting tables in an Amsterdam comedy club, hairdressing on Europe’s waterways, volunteer surf instruction in Nicaragua, working in expat bars, picking strawberries in Denmark, advising holidaymakers on the best methods to avoid sunburn in Spain, kitchen jobs in Portugal, tour leading in Vietnam, catering stewards in Dubai, managing a hotel in the Falkland Islands…

    Thanks for helping to spread the world about working abroad. I highly recommend a book called Work Your Way Around the World (written by a Canadian). I never did any of the things listed above, instead finding my own way to afford to travel, but this book helped me to realise it was possible to travel even when you have little money.

    • Thanks for sharing Shane. You are right, the possibilities are endless. People just need a little nudge to start thinking outside the box. So many people think that they can’t get paid to travel and yet, you can do anything.

  54. Dear Dave and Deb: Always wonderful to learn from your experience, and appreciate that you are always willing to share your secrets. Wishing you the best for future travels. .. Prasad from India
