Night Bus Travel: 11 Tips for Safety, Survival and Sleep

Written By: The Planet D

Taking an overnight bus while traveling is often a great option. Not only can you cover a lot of ground without losing time, but you can also save money on a flight or hotel room.

The journey itself, however, can be challenging—especially your first time.

After taking numerous overnight buses over the years, I’ve come up with a list of tips that will hopefully make your experience easier and safer—and one during which you can sleep easy.

Bus Travel – SAFETY

1. Make sure the route is safe.

Check local travel advisories and be sure the bus route is not one where robberies and/or accidents are common at night.

If you see warnings about this, you might want to opt for a day bus.

2. Splurge on the first-class bus.

Think long and hard before buying a ticket for the cheaper or cheapest overnight bus.

Does it look safe and decently maintained (eg, are tires bald)? Can you imagine being in one of the seats all night?

Will there be two drivers, taking turns—or just one for the entire night?

If you’re unsure and/or have a bad gut feeling, then it might be best to take more expensive, higher quality overnight bus.

3. Choose your seat carefully.

bus travel safety
Choose a seat in the middle of the bus

There are several things to consider when picking your seat:

  • Window or Aisle? Some people feel they’ll sleep better near the window; it means more ways to create a makeshift pillow. Others (like me) prefer the aisle because there’s more space and a way to stretch out.
  • Near a man or woman? You should sit where you feel most comfortable. I tend to sit next to a woman or a teenager. The few times I’ve sat near a man (whether seats were pre-assigned or not), I had some unpleasant encounters. If you’re a male traveler, then the choice might be easier. My advice is to state your preference when you buy the ticket if seats are assigned in advance.
  • Front, back or middle? The further back you sit, the bumpier (and possibly weirder) the ride may be. Sit too close to the front and you might see things you don’t want to see—the road in front of you, that is, and the scary way in which the driver is taking the hairpin turns. Of course, if you like rollercoasters, then you might enjoy a seat up front.

Middle of Bus is the Safest Place

bus travel seats
Seats on a chicken bus

According to safety experts, the middle is generally safer. If an accident occurred, the chance of serious injury would be minimized since most accidents involve head-on collisions or rear-ending.

For this reason, and those discussed above, I tend to sit in the middle.

4. Hide your money/other valuables in more than one place.

bus travel waist pack
This slash-proof waist pack makes it hard for thieves to get into

It’s not ideal to keep all of your money and credit cards together.

In the event of a robbery, the thief would get everything. Try to split up your valuables.

I prefer to use a slash-proof waist pack (which has a ‘trick lock’ on it) and to hide some money in my shoes.

Read: Top Scams to Watch out for in India

Bus Travel – SURVIVAL

Moving beyond basic safety, there’s ‘survival’—that is, making the journey more comfortable and bearable.

5. Pack as if you’re flying.

bus safety tips

You’ll probably have to stow your larger bag underneath the bus (if there’s no room for it above you).

If so, then make sure your daypack has what you need (eg, medication)—as if you’re going to be on a plane.

6. Pack an energy drink (to avoid needing to use the bathroom).

Buy a Gatorade or another beverage that replenishes electrolytes. Or pack small packets of powder drinks to make your own.

This will hopefully keep your thirst quenched and your bladder, empty—meaning that you won’t have to use the bathroom as often.

That’s a good thing since there may or may not be one (if there is, it’ll probably be unpleasant) on the bus and those at rest stops may be atrocious.

7. BYOS (Bring Your Own Snacks).

bus travel snacks
Don’t let yourself get hungry on the road

Most often, there will be a stop or two at roadside restaurants; in some cases, the food is quite good.

But there are no guarantees. I once ate at a low-quality place in Indonesia and got sick the next day.

If I’d had snacks, I might have skipped that meal. You should always have something (eg, nuts, fruit or an energy bar if possible) just in case.

8. Use noise-canceling headphones and entertain yourself.

bus travel megabus

Night bus rides last from 6 to 12 or more hours.

During this time, you will encounter many unpleasant sounds: a loud TV, staticky music, someone snoring and/or other conversations. Use good headphones (noise-canceling would be best) to block those sounds and to listen to your own music.

If you want to read, be sure to have a reading light because chances are the overhead light won’t work.

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SLEEP on the Night Bus

9. Use earplugs plus an eye mask.

bus travel sleep mask
Make it easy to block out light with a sleep mask

When it’s time to sleep, you’ll want to drown out the noise.

I recommend earplugs, which you can buy at an electronics store. (See Tip # 6.)

An eye mask is also important. It helps block out light from inside the bus at night and in the morning, when the sun coming in through the windows can make you feel like a vampire.

10. Use a neck pillow.

bus travel safety tips

If you travel with a suitcase, then you might want to purchase a neck pillow.

If you’re a backpacker, you won’t want the extra bulk of a pillow in your bag, so you should consider getting a blow-up neck pillow.

It will make you feel more comfortable whether you’re reading or resting.

11. Take meds if you need to (but nothing too strong).

It’s not always easy to sleep on these buses, so you might need some help.

Taking medication (check with your doctor first) could be a solution. I use a combination of antihistamine and Xanax.

You want to sleep, but you don’t want to be so knocked out that you can’t wake up and react quickly if you need to.

Your Thoughts/Ideas?

Have you ever taken an overnight bus? If so, have you used any of the tips above or do you have any to share/add? If so, please comment below.

About Lisa:

Lisa Egle is the author of Magic Carpet Seduction, a collection of off-the-beaten-path travel tales set in China, Latin America, Turkey and the Middle East. She also runs the travel blog, Chicky Bus, which takes readers/’riders’ to unique destinations around the world via photos, videos and stories. Her writing has been published on BlogHer and Matador Network, and one of her stories was featured in an article on the blog. Follow Lisa on Twitter.

Photo credit: All photos are @L Egle/ChickyBus, except for one of the snacks. Thanks to Liza, a photographer whose work can be found on Flickr.

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Travel Planning Resources

Looking to book your next trip? Why not use these resources that are tried and tested by yours truly.

Book Your Flights: Start planning your trip by finding the best flight deals on Skyscanner. We have used them for years and have found that they have the best flight deals.

Book your Hotel: Find the best prices on hotels with these two providers. If you are located in Europe use and if you are anywhere else use TripAdvisor.

Find Apartment Rentals: You will find the cheapest prices on apartment rentals with VRBO

Travel Insurance: Don't leave home without it. Here is what we recommend:

  • Safety Wing - Occasional Travelers.
  • Medjet - Global air medical transport and travel security.

Book Your Activities: Looking for walking tours, skip-the-line tickets, private guides, and more? Then we recommend Get Your Guide.

Need more help planning your trip? Make sure to check out our Resources Page where we highlight all the great companies that we trust when we are traveling.

About The Planet D

Dave Bouskill and Debra Corbeil are the owners and founders of The Planet D. After traveling to 115 countries, on all 7 continents over the past 13 years they have become one of the foremost experts in travel. Being recognized as top travel bloggers and influencers by the likes of Forbes Magazine, the Society of American Travel Writers and USA Today has allowed them to become leaders in their field.

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15 thoughts on “Night Bus Travel: 11 Tips for Safety, Survival and Sleep”

  1. Thanks I’ve never rode on bus before. I’m planning a night trip but theirs like 6 stop because I’m going to a small country town. Thanks for your tips.

  2. This is my personal tip- loop the straps of your purse or bag around your arm or ankle while you sleep, so no one can grab it without waking you up. Many people may get on and off between where you get on and your final destination, and there are some shady characters who hop on and off of inter-city buses! If you get off the bus to buy a snack or use the facilities at any point, take your stuff with you (always!)

    • Thanks for the tips. We agree when it comes to ground transportation, we try to pay for 1st or 2nd class. Most of the time it isn’t that much more expensive by Western Standards, but the difference is unbelievable.

  3. The energy drink tip is interesting! I’m trying that next time, because I’m always torn about drinking water: long bus trips make me really dehydrated, but there’s nothing worse than having to pee and waiting an hour or more for the next rest stop.

  4. These are helpful tips for any kind of travel. I employ many of these on planes too! Didn’t know that about Gatorade, though. Will be adding that to my repertoire!
