Want to speak like a real Canadian, eh? From Tim Hortons runs to two-fours at the cottage, Canadian slang is as diverse as our country itself. While we may sound similar to our American neighbors, trust us—we’ve got our own weird, wonderful, and wildly confusing phrases.
Whether you’re ordering a double-double, dodging a rink rat, or kicking back in a Muskoka chair, we’ve got you covered with this ultimate guide to Canadian slang words and phrases. So, before you throw a Chesterfield kerfuffle, let’s dive in, eh?
How to Speak Canadian – The Ultimate Guide to Canadian Slang
Most people think Canadians speak a lot like our American neighbours, but the truth is, we’re a little weird up here in the Great White North. Plus, Canadians can pick out a Canadian accent anytime so don’t think that sewing a Canadian flag on your backpack suddenly turns you into a Canuck.
The word Canuck is one of my favourites. This term refers to Canadians. We have the Vancouver Canucks, one of Canada’s most beloved hockey teams, and in the 1980s, our downhill skiers who dominated the World Cup circuit were called the Crazy Canucks, and I am personally a proud Canuck. If you haven’t figured it out yet, Canuck is another term for a Canadian. It’s so much simpler and shorter. I’m a Canuck man!
This is our most popular Canadian saying and everyone mocks us by using “eh” in the most ridiculous phrases and they never get it right. So I am going to give you a quick lesson on how to the word “eh”.
All you have to do is make a statement like “It is a very nice day out today.” If you add “eh” to the end of that statement, you can turn it into a question that will require a friendly reply from the person you are talking to.
A knit winter hat, known elsewhere around the world as a beanie. Every Canadian owns at least one. I went my entire childhood and a large portion of my adult life not realizing that this was a word only used in Canada. “Tuque” as it is spelled in Quebec (it is spelled toque in English Canada) is a unique Canadian slang word used across the country to describe a winter hat. Buy your own Canadian tuque on Amazon.
Essential Canadian Words You Need to Know Before Visiting
Loonie and Toonie
Our one-dollar coin is called a “Loonie” (thanks to the loon on it). Naturally, when the two-dollar coin came out, we named it a “Toonie” because it rhymes with Loonie. Logical, right?
Forget “restroom” or “bathroom.” In Canada, it’s always the washroom.
Canadians don’t pay an “electric bill.” We pay for hydro, even in places where our power isn’t hydroelectric.
Food & Drink Slang You Need to Know
Bloody Caesar
Canada’s version of a Bloody Mary, made with Clamato juice (clam and tomato juice).
Regular / Double-Double
At Tim Hortons, a “regular” coffee comes with one cream and one sugar. A “double-double”? Two creams, two sugars. Sweet enough to make a beaver blush.
Donut holes from Tim Hortons. “I’ll grab a box of Timbits for the meeting.”
Kraft Dinner
Our beloved mac and cheese, immortalized in song by the Barenaked Ladies.
Canada’s national dish—fries, cheese curds, and gravy. “Let’s grab some poutine after the bar.” Best enjoyed at 3 AM. Read more about Canadian foods such as the Beaver Tail and Nanaimo Bar at our post: Top Must-Try Canadian Foods for Foodies and Travelers
A frozen flavored ice treat. “I loved eating freezies during summer as a kid.”
Chocolate Bar
What the rest of the world calls a candy bar.
Homo Milk
Canadians’ term for whole milk. Homogenized Milk.
Classic Canadian Phrases & Sayings
Speaking of Bob and Doug Mackenzie, it was these two lovable Hosers that brought the term Hoser to the mainstream in Canada. Hoser is an old-school insult made famous by Bob and Doug McKenzie, meaning an idiot or loser. Example:
“Take off, ya hoser!”
A case of 24 beers. “Pick up a two-four for the party.” We buy our beer at the Beer Store in Canada and a box of 24 beers is simply shortened to the words “two four.”
Molson Muscle
A beer belly. “He’s been working on his Molson muscle all winter.” Well, older Canadians anyway. Most of the GenZ drink craft beer, and wouldn’t touch Molson.
Americans say “soda.” We say pop.
An old-school term for a couch or sofa.
Convenience Store
The corner store where you grab snacks and essentials.
Canadian slang for a cigarette. “Goin’ out for a dart” means you’re stepping outside to smoke.
Canadian Lifestyle & Culture Slang
May 2 – 4 Weekend
Victoria Day weekend, often celebrated by drinking a case of 24 beers. “We’re heading to the cottage for May Two-Four.”
Out and About Not Oot and Aboot
We don’t say “oot and aboot.” It’s closer to “a-boat.” Trust us. If you really want to delve into the reasoning for the difference. Check out Grammar Girl. She explains the diphthong differences eloquently here.
Canadians say “Zed” instead of “Zee” for the letter Z—except when referring to ZZ Top. I used to drive a Zed 28 car. Americans call it Zee28, and that’s just weird.
Our word for backpack or rucksack, especially among grade school students.
Stag and Stagette or Stag and Doe
Our version of bachelor and bachelorette parties. A pre-wedding party to raise funds for the couple. “They’re hosting a stag and doe next month.”
Bachelor Apartment
And speaking of the term bachelor we call a studio apartment or a small apartment without a separate bedroom a bachelor apartment with an open living and sleeping space. “I found a cozy bachelor downtown.”
A warm winter wind that can melt Alberta’s snow in hours. Living in Alberta, Canada, my parents often talked about Chinooks blowing in from the mountains, bringing warmer weather from British Columbia, and how nice it was.
Canadian Words for Cities and Regions
Newfie – A proud nickname for someone from Newfoundland. Want to sound local? Say “Newfanland”, not “New-found-land.” If you really want to talk like a Newfoundlander try these talking to a Newfie and say, I Come from Away (an out of towner) want to be Screeched In. (the Newfoundland tradition of kissing the cod)
The 6ix
Toronto’s nickname, popularized by Drake. Toronto has a few nicknames that are still used like T-Dot, Hog Town and the Big Smoke. Check out more fun Canadian nicknames for our cities and towns.
A nickname for Calgary, thanks to its cowboy culture. When in Calgary keep an ear out for these fun slang words like Stampede Stash – The mustache you grow for the Calgary Stampede. Yeehaw Juice – Whisky, typically Crown Royal. Rig Pig – A term for someone who works on the oil rigs and if you want to order a whisky and soda the local way try ordering ranch water.
The Peg
A nickname for Winnipeg (formerly “Winterpeg”). Did you know that Winnipeg is Slurpee Capital? It consumes more Slurpees per capita than anywhere else which is odd since it is colder than most cities.
Funny Canadian Sayings
Buddy / Bud
In the Maritimes, “buddy” is a universal stand-in for a person’s name. Didn’t catch someone’s name? Just call ’em “buddy.” It’s the Canadian way.
Mickey / Texas Mickey
A “mickey” is a 375ml bottle of liquor—perfect for slipping into your pocket. A “Texas mickey”? That’s a whopping 3-liter bottle. Proceed with caution.
A commotion or fuss. “There was a real kerfuffle at the rink last night.”
Bunny Hug
Saskatchewan’s unique term for a hoodie (yes, really). “It’s chilly; grab your bunny hug.”
When something’s top-notch, we call it a “beauty.” Scored tickets to a Leafs game? “Beauty, eh!”
Sports & Hockey Slang (Because, Canada)
Rink Rat
Someone who practically lives at the hockey rink, whether they’re a player, skater, or just a superfan. I was a rink rat, people were always saying “She’s a real rink rat, always practicing her skating.”
A hockey move where a player fakes out an opponent. Off the ice, it means to dodge or avoid something.
A tough guy or enforcer, especially in hockey. “The team’s goon got into a fight.”
Hang a Larry / Hang a Roger
Need directions? “Hang a Larry” means turn left; “Hang a Roger” means turn right. Why Larry and Roger? Your guess is as good as ours.
Puck Bunny
A fan, typically female, who is more interested in the players than the game. “She’s such a puck bunny, always hanging around the rink.”
Quebec Slang – Tabarnak! Learn the Lingo
Think you know French? Well, Quebecois slang is a whole other beast. It’s part French, part English, and 100% uniquely Canadian. Whether you’re grabbing snacks at a dep or swearing at winter like a true Montrealer, here are a few French Canadian phrases that’ll help you survive in La Belle Province.
Dépanneur (Dep)
Forget calling it a “corner store”—in Quebec, it’s a dépanneur (or just “dep”). This is where you go for beer, chips, smokes, or last-minute survival essentials when everything else is closed. And yes, you can buy booze at the dep. Quebec wins.
If you visit Montreal in winter, this word will become your best friend—and worst enemy. Frette = Freezing cold.
?? “Tabarnak, c’est frette dehors!” (Translation: “Holy *%$# it’s freezing outside!”)
Also used to describe beer:
? “Grab me a frette one from the fridge.” (Translation: “Cold beer, please.”)
Ah yes, Quebec’s favorite swear word—so versatile it can be used as a noun, verb, or exclamation. Originally a religious term (referring to the chalice in Catholic Mass), it has since evolved into a go-to curse word.
? “Câlisse de neige!” (Translation: “Holy *%$# that’s a lot of snow!”)
Forget “voiture”—in Quebec, a car is a char (pronounced “shar”). “Mon char est pogné dans la neige!” (Translation: “My car is stuck in the snow!”) Just another reminder that winter in Canada is a battle.
The ultimate catch-all word for “thingamajig” or “whatchamacallit.” “Passe-moi la patente à côté du truc.” (Translation: “Pass me that thing next to the other thing.”) Honestly, if you ever forget the name of something, just call it a patente—you’ll fit right in.
More Canadian Words and Phrases
A Mountie is a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). Canada’s federal police force from coast to coast to coast.
Pencil Crayon
What we call colored pencils.
Someone who’s overly eager or enthusiastic, often the teacher’s pet. “That keener finished the assignment a week early.”
A multi-level parking garage, mostly used in Western Canada.
A napkin, but fancier.
What others call a queue, we call a lineup. “There’s a lineup at Timmies this morning.”
For Sure
A definitive yes. “You coming to the party?” “For sure!”
Gong Show
A chaotic or wild event. “That party turned into a real gong show.”
Unique Canadian Slang
Fill Yer Boots
An invitation to take as much as you want. “We’ve got plenty of food, so fill yer boots!”
What You Sayin’?
A casual greeting meaning “What are you up to?” “Hey
Jesus Murphy
Yep, I am guilty of using this one a lot and apparently it is a unique Canadian term.
To Be On Pogey
Being on welfare or unemployment benefits. “He’s been on pogey since the mill closed.”
Good-natured teasing or taunting, especially in sports. “The players were chirping each other all game.”
What others might call a gutter. “Clean the leaves out of the eavestrough before winter.”
Gas Bar
A gas station, often with a convenience store. “Let’s stop at the gas bar for snacks.”
Canadians who migrate south for the winter. “My grandparents are snowbirds; they spend winters in Florida.”
Canadians don’t wear sneakers—we wear run
Canadian speak for kilometers. Example: Toronto is about 500 clicks from Montreal.”
Muskoka Chair
The ultimate Canadian chill spot—found on every dock, cottage deck, and lakeside retreat. While Americans call it an Adirondack chair, we all know the Muskoka chair reigns supreme. Grab a beer, kick back, and enjoy the view, eh?
So, there you have it, many things Canadians say that are a little bit out of the ordinary up here in the Great White North. So, when you visit Canada, make sure to enjoy our beaver tails, use the metric system and when you are heading out to the East Coast make sure to endearingly call a Newfoundlander a Newfie. Got it?
Did we miss any classic Canadian slang? Let us know in the comments! And if you’re planning a trip to Canada, check out our Ultimate Canadian Travel Guide for tips on where to go, what to eat, and how to blend in with the locals!
This was such a fun read! I love learning about Canadian slang—it’s both interesting and useful. Thanks for sharing!
the big smoke is another name fer tra-ran-ta ( Toronto ).
i’m in Buffalo and bring s border town, knew most but as always, learning something new everyday
1. Only Ontario has The Beer Store…the best retail name in existence.
2. A chinook isn’t just a warm wind coming over the mountain…it is a wall of cloud with the sky above divided by a wall of cloud meeting clear skies.
I have read most of the comments on this website, but have not yet noticed remarks about a couple of things.
First, the use of “zed” as the last letter of the alphabet is no surprise, as it is the French version of “zee”. I think “zed” is used universally in Ontario (where I reside).
A few of the contributors have used the word “anyways” which is — to my American-educated ears — weird. I consider it Canadian slang for “anyway”, but was surprised to learn (from the Merriam-Webster dictionary online) that “anyways” has been in use since the 13th century. “Anyways” still sounds slang-ish, so I’ll be sticking with “anyway” anyway!
Lol I thought y’all called a two dollar coin “Toonie” because it’s Two bills in ONE coin , you know a Two-onie.
I needed that,thank you very much,,,ALWAYS CANADIAN FOREVER
Agree with others that “Eh” is overblown, same with “oout and aboot”. Some people have it more (those more isolated) and some use it as a source of distinction, but it’s not an everyday thing and is fading.
Certain pronounciations are a giveaway, such as “pro-cess” instead of “proc-ess”, the fast “sorry”, almost “surry” instead of the louder “SOR-RY”.
Forms of politeness, Canadian commentators will always call them Mr. Trudeau and Mr. Biden, never just Trudeau and Biden.
One important slang that was missed, “Klicks” for kilometres.
I’m a proud Canadian living in California and in the process of opening a Canadian eatery I am calling “Canadian, Eh? Cafe” People always ask me what or how is Canadian food different than American. Quite simply Canada is much like America, a giant crock pot of diversity. I will be cooking up all the great foods I grew up with. Influences of Ukranian, French, Polish, German, Mi’kmaq, and Danish inspired North Atlantic treats.
•Canadians say Out and About and House just exactly as United Statesians from Roanoke Virginia say it.
• Right you are about Washroom vs Toilet . I like Washroom but also call it a Lavatory. Many Usonians call it a Bathroom but withno bath available whatsoever.
Great article
So tired of the “eh” nonsense. Yes, we use it to elicit agreement sometimes, but we do not all use it constantly and ridiculously as do the “Canadian icons Bob and Doug Mackenzie” We are not all “red-necks”.
Fun read thanks! I can think of some additional foods and expressions that are distinctly Canadian that visitors might not know:
Butter Tart
Nanaimo Bar
Bags of milk
Pop instead of soda
Ketchup Chips
Clicks (distance)
Kerfuffle (commotion)
For sure
Homo milk
Brown bread
Girl Guides
Muskoka Chair
Track pants
Postal code
Crispy Crunch
5-pin bowling
Well done.
I have 1 more to add to your very thorough list.
Fuddle duddle!
Agree with most, would add All-Dressed Chips. Elastic is also commonly used in the New England states. Pop v Soda varies greatly across the US. It’s always Pop in the Midwest. Living just on the American side of the border and having gone back and forth for 60 years I know them all and have fun confusing American friends from further away.
I’ve called it pop ever since i could remember
What do you call Pepsi and similar? We call it ‘pop’ in the Detroit area of Michigan.
A ‘half-sack’ of beer is half a dozen. ‘Pop’ for soft drink or soda. ‘The Rock’ for Vancouver Island, as in “I’m getting off The Rock this weekend.”
I’m American but my parents are from Canada and I went to grade school in that country. Most people not from Canada can figure out what most of the slang means. I will point out that, while people in Alberta do not say “aboot”, people in eastern Canada do.
Funny list.
Canadians use the word “lineup” (noun) to refer what the British call a “queue” and what Americans call a “line.”
I once used the word serviette (not sure if I’m spelling it correctly) while in the US and the lady at the counter said you must be from Canada because we say napkin.
Distinctly Canadian words: Jagged pronounced JAGD as in ‘tagged’.
He became visibly jagged when he missed his flight.
I’ve used it for years, but can’t find it in any dictionary, so it must be ours.
I’ve tested it with friends and everyone agrees – it is pronounced JAGD not JAG ed as in the adjective.
Ha! I always say Zed Zed Top & La-Zed-Boy just so people realise how silly it is to make zee rhyme with vee in the alphabet!! Sadly, I’ve noticed far too many Canadians using zee, probably from having watched so much American TV, & they don’t even seem to be aware of zed. CBC Q’s host Tom Power is a notable traitor that way, he boasts about saying zee, when he ought to be ashamed for promoting it on national radio. Indeed, I think there ought to be a law against Canadian broadcasters ever saying zee!
We have Chinook winds in here in Alaska, though not so much here in Fairbanks. And yeah, it definitely gets *cold* here…coldest recorded temperature was -80 F, set back in Camp Prospect in January 1971. Alaska’s coldest high temperature was -66 F the next day in Allakaket. This year has been a bit warm…I’ve seen it down to -35 F here in “the ‘banks” and up to +35 F just within the past couple days (it’s 2022-02-27 today) — a “heatwave”. 😛
I think in some ways, Alaska and Canada are very similar and quite different in others. 🙂
As a Brit. I find a lot of this familiar. We say zed, we have smarties, knapsacks (though back pack is probably more common) and chocolate bars. As for “oot and aboot”, it may not be Canadian but it is pure Scottish. Incidentally, anyone wanting a primer is Scots, I recommend watching Rab C Nesbitt on Youtube.
In Ontario we say ( use guys) meaning (you guys).
Yes, but only if you live north of Hwy. 7
In The Republic of Doyle TV series, they quite often refer to others as “by”. Does that mean ‘brother’, ‘buddy’, or what??
Boy, it’s a newphie term for boys.” Tell the bys I’m cooking dinner”
I would correct your comment regarding where Canadians buy their beer. Ontario has the Beer Store. However other provinces have different arrangments. BC has only the provincial-regulated and privately owned liquor stores, both of which have beer; there are no separate beer-only stores. Another idiom that confuses Canadians from other provinces than Ontario, is ordering ‘Regular’ coffee (one cream, one sugar); in my experience, Ontario Tim’s locations seem to be the only ones that operate that way.
It is very typical for a Canadian to say I need to use the ‘can’ in reference to washroom. In fact I hear that more often than washroom. In exploring where the expression can came from, it stemmed back from people from the 70’s era that would have to pee while at a drive in. They didn’t want to miss the movie so they would use (the males) an empty can of soda and pee into it. Hence the can.
I was staying in Alberta earlier this year and never once heard can used, but washroom was used not only exclusively, but actually written above public toilet entrances and on directional signs too.
That’s because “use the can” is vulgar; the only people in Canada who you’d probably hear saying it would be teenage boys, if that. I’m not saying Canadians can’t be vulgar or crude, but Canada doesn’t quite have that raunch culture element that America does (and I’m glad of that). Even our swearing is tamer – we typically only swear if we’re angry (or drunk), and the only people in my eastern Canadian home who ever swear around minors are bitter old curmudgeons and weird jerks on the public transit. Of course this is changing with the influx of social media… just last week at the Halifax Shopping Centre, I saw a girl with a crop top that had bedazzled letters spelling out the words “I have anxiety and sh!t”, in full view of little kids at the food court. Or shot glasses at Spencer’s that have the phrase “legalize eating *ss” printed on them… but Spencer’s has always been a rude, greasy-looking store, anyway. That’s not Canada talking there.
I came across the word “elastic”. When in the states, I was needing some elastics and we had quite a time trying to explain what an elastic is. They call them rubber bands! Ahhha! It’s funny how something so commonplace to us became such an ordeal to figure out.
Another word we use here in Alberta is “vendors”. It refers to the liquor vendors store shortened to just the vendors here. We’d use it as…heading to the vendors, want anything?
BTW…I use the term washroom all the time
Really enjoyed your blog about the slang of Canada. You asked about more slang. Here’s one.
You can always identify a Canadian by the way they use the word “University”. Canadians will say “I’m going to University”. (Lol I hope I got that right.). In the US, you’d never use the word this way. It might be “I go to the U of R”. Or I’m getting my degree from Ohio State. Or “I’m a student at the university of Cincinnati”. But when you hear someone use the word as “I’m finishing university”, it’s a clear tell that they are from Canada. That’s interesting eh? 😉
I have friends in Ukraine who use “college” to mean they have a two-year (Associate) degree and “university to mean they have a four-year (Bachelor) degree — I think that’s the norm for the FSU counties. In the US, “college” and “university” can mean the same thing since a university is a “universe of colleges”.
Or the UK. We sometimes shorten it to uni
“I went to uni”
“Washroom”? Huh…? I’m in Canada (40+ years), and we don’t use that here. Besides, I don’t go there to wash. We say toilet (that’s not vulgar, it’s simply a more accurate noun).
I have lived in Ontario, BC and presently Alberta and I never hear people say “where is the toilet”, its usually washroom or bathroom. 😉
I’ll respectfully disagree. 99% of Canadians will use ‘washroom’ or ‘bathroom’, but very rarely will they use ‘toilet.’
And yes, after you answer nature’s call, you do go there to wash, hopefully.
I have literally never heard a Canadian use “toilet”. I have mostly heard Europeans call it that. Washroom is so exclusively used that I have heard people from outside of Canada point it out. Not sure what part of Canada you live but this is ABSOLUTELY very Canadian and very prominent.
What about sorry? Canadians (or at least southern Ontarians) say it like soe-ry and I know that some other places say it like sah-ry.
garbage disposal is called a garburator in Canada – gutters are eavestroughs
Twenty-six’er, by the way – don’t just stop at the 2-6. And another one is “parkade” for a parking deck. My friend asked me “What’s that? Do they serve ice-cream?” Another funny one – a grader/back hoe. That seems to be only in Canada. Can’t figure out what it is in the South, but how would you pick up snow anyways without a back-hoe? On the West Coast, a few words mixed in from Indigenous trade languages – chuck for the ocean, Skookum for pretty big, pretty neat. One more – a crummy. Can’t go to work if you don’t have a crummy!
chemo cheemo…back in the seventies someone tried to promote an inuit? word as canadas greeting
wheres sorry?
When we were in Virginia a few years ago I asked our host as we were reading the daily newspaper if I could see the “funnies”. He had never heard that expression before!
I’m guessing that was a one off. Although it’s very possible that young people don’t use it anymore, when I was growing up in virginia, we always called them the funnies. And I believe my grandparents in kansas also used to call them that.
I am not sure if it’s Canadian slang or
Not haven’t heard It elsewhere,
the word is tad. “Just a tad”, you you like some dessert? Sure but just a tad (small amount).
Is “you do you” Canadian slang or American? I can’t say I’ve heard the phrase while I lived in the US west coast. However, I sure have heard this in Burrrrtaa (Alberta)! LOL 🙂
How about some French words that are spoken by English speakers. Maybe it is only in Quebec, Are they?
Depaneur – Convenience store
Macdo – Short name for McDonald
Regie – I have heard this from many English speakers, I went to the regie web site (government agency)
What’s up with the saying “some of these days” — we say “one of these days” here in the States…
Interesting. I’ve never heard a Canadian use this phrase. I’ve heard James Cagney use it in an old movie, so I think it must have been common in the States in the 30’s or 40’s.
Okay, so my question is some what related to this topic, but not exactly. I watch several Canadian YouTuber’s and have always wondered why they leave certain small words out of certain statements. For example, I watch a handful of people who start off their videos by saying, ” Hey guys! Welcome back my channel!” Where in the US, we would say, “Hey guys! Welcome back to my channel!” Another one would be, “When I’m done this show or when I’m done this product.”, etc. Where as an American would insert the word “with”, “When I’m done with this show or with this product.” I’ve always been curious. Hopefully that all made sense. Thanks!
Can someone explain to me the reason for the cultural fascination that affluent Québécois have with wanting to have back yard swimming pools? This is absolutely not a stereotype or misconception, you can verify this yourself with google earths aerial photography. I can find streets in places like Laval where every home has a swimming pool. I know you’re not leaving them to freeze for hockey rinks in the winter, that won’t work! Maybe it’s just having to make every second of summer count because winter is so brutal?
Actually, many parts of Canada can get extremely warm summers that mimic tropical heat. Toronto even gets heatwaves! This can last from late April to early September, fluctuating of course, but definitely cause for a swimming pool. Many affluent Canadians love their swimming pools. As the beaches are increasingly polluted with dogs and tourists and smartphone cameras, pools are getting to be even more popular than ever. For those of us non-affluent hosers, we have to settle for the ever-popular above-grounder that sticks up a few feet and has no true foundation or base.
In ‘MY Boy is dead’, a moving poem by tour great WW1 poet H Smalley-Sarson, I read this line :
‘THe day he got his Blue’.
Does it refer to a diplma at the uned of University ?
SOS I am translating WW1 poems by Canadians, soldiers or civilians …
Thank you very much
Hi Virey, I am not sure what that means, I’d have to see more of the poem in context. I am thinking that perhaps it is a uniform?
If inviting someone to come dine with you, what’s the funniest way to say it Canadian
I have no idea about that one. I think all we say is would you like to go out to dinner? Or do you want to come over for supper? Do you say supper? Maybe that is a Canadian phrase and I didn’t even realize it 🙂
Do you want to munch out with me tonight? That expression is used but not so common with the younger generation. When the younger folks here that, I can’t write the responses to risque lol.
Wanna grab a bite ?
Want to get some grub? (food)
19 million Canadians, or 57% of the population; the remainder of the population were native speakers of Canadian French (22%) others languages 4] A larger number, 28 million people, reported using English as their dominant language.[5] 82% of Canadians outside the province of Quebec reported speaking English natively, but with in Quebec the figure was just 7.7% as most of its residents are native speakers of Quebec French.[6] which Canadians and Americans themselves can their own two accents,[7] mostly sometime Western American English and California English, for example) is under going the Canadian Vowel Shift that was first reported in mainland Canadian English in the early 1990s?
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious – Although it is a manufactured made up word, it is Canada in a nutshell. This tongued twister word is made from the hit Hollywood musical, Marry Poppins. Although no country is perfect, and Canada has its share of domestic problems, like others, it is still one of the best on planet earth.
“Wizard” I’s used as an adjective here in Canada, and I saw a movie where someone’s neibour commented, “that’s wizard”, like he was saying that it was cool.
I haven’t heard that one. But I like it! Oh the Canadian lingo is always evolving 🙂
not, sure if I read everything above, all good. My younger life, mostly from Hamilton and Toronto. Some that come to mind – Canadian or not – “chew the fat”, “don’t know me from Adam”, “Fizz-Bang” for canned pop, interesting for its reverse melody, The Beer Store itself surprised the heck out of me after many years absence, and that certainly was derived from local slang – power to the people.
All these phrases start somewhere (sometimes, like good ideas, they might pop up simultaneously in a population pressed by the same daily stresses), one of my own concoctions was slender vittles for tall lanky women. Did it get around I wonder ??
There was this Frenchman from Quebec who liked to say something like “Batoime !” when he was surprised but something, said it was a family expression…
Toilet is everywhere in Japan, but it’s more than just the signage, people say it out loud at the restaurant with no regards for any apropos feeling. My Canadian squeamishness is long gone now of course. Many of the above I had forgotten, but they come flooding back.
Today I came across a 1967 high school year book photo of graduates. One fellow was described as a “Canadian Baby”, maybe a typical personal crack, not the photography company which apparently started in 1965. Any ideas ?
I love this! Thanks for sharing Robert and I totally know all of them. I’m definitely one to say, “don’t know me from Adam” And I love the Beer Store. We always joke that in Ontario we get our beer and the beer store, liquor at the liquor store and when growing up we got our pop from the pop shop! I don’t know about Canadian Baby.
They dont have dill pickle, ketchup and all dressed chips in other countries??
The US has always had dill pickle chips and has had all dressed for about 5 or 6 years now. They also have ketchup chips in some markets.
wow nice..
I like the post, I just might find some problems with the picture. The hat is an "ushanka" and the beer from the US.
Canadians would say Grade X instead of Xth Grade.
“I’m in grade 12”, said the Canadian. “12th grade is hard”, said the American.
And I know in the US, students will identify themselves as a Senior, or Sophmore. Whereas in Canada, we would call ourselves a Grade 12 or Grade 10 student. Or when in university, a 1st year or 2nd year student. And speaking of post-secondary education, in Canada, there’s a clear distinction between universities and colleges. I know in the States, universities are often called colleges. And what we call colleges are their community colleges.
For pronunciation, more Canadians would say AN-TEE instead of AN-TIE in words like anti-biotics. Canadians would also pronounce the past tense of shine (shone) to rhyme with “dawn” versus the American “bone”. And for the word route, Canadians would often pronounce it like “root”. We would pronounce leisure to rhyme with “seizure” (Americans would rhyme it with “measure”). There is virtually no pronunciation differences between “cot” and “caught” when said by a Canadian. But when an American pronounces those words, there is a huge difference. Same with merry, Mary, and marry.
Excellent additions and very accurate. Thanks for sharing!
Another Canadian word: Shed>>> pertains to any small building outside a larger dwelling….this word often used in the East Coast of Canada.
So I’m Canadian as well, Ontario raised.
We used knapsack as well, but also used the other terms.
Knapsack = small daypack for carrying only enough for the day. maybe schoolbooks.
Backpack = Soft bodied, the same or a bit larger than a knapsack. Often used for multi-day trips or short hikes.
Rucksack = Rugged pack for hiking and carrying equipment. Usually on a rigid frame. Often used by canadian soldiers.
we say eh in yorkshire, England
What about the old Zed and Zee. My husband will occasionaly say Zee (too much American Tv, I guess)and I always correct him. I heard Americans don’t have a word for slush and don’t use the word toboggan.
My North Carolinan brother in law calls a toque a toboggan (pronounced tow-boggan) and it cracks up up every time.
The thing about zed and zee is it makes more sense to pronounce it ‘zee’ when singing the alphabet song, otherwise it sounds ridiculous.
Hi. In Alberta the Convenience stores or corner stores used to be called Confectionary. They are changing to convenience stores, but in small town Alberta you will still see a Confectionary store.
Ah yes, I remember the confectionary store. I think I’ll head over to one today to get myself some sasparilla:)
Chesterfield! Where I grew up the piece of furniture commonly called a couch/sofa was always referred to as the chesterfield. I’m told it’s a Canadian thing. I’ve certainly been greeted with baffled expressions anytime I slip up and say that abroad.
I remember ‘chesterfield’ from my early childhood in the 70’s. I think most Canadians would call it a ‘couch’ today, certainly not ‘sofa’.
I’m going to use a few of these phrases for my school international fair!
Make sure that you do! You’ll sound truly Canadian:)
I use the words hassock instead of ottoman, and quiggley hole when the kids dig huge holes in the yard and I’m not sure about these one’s but i use them too whipper snipper or rumpus room for the basement?
Whipper snipper! My family always used that word for a weed wacker. Not all Canadians use it but I’ve only ever heard Canadians say it. Meaning, Americans don’t say whipper snipper.
Just a note on pronunciation. Americans often make fun of Canadians for saying “aboot” rather than “about.” Close, but we actually pronounce it “aboat.”
yep, my dad says clicks all the time
living room anyone? vs den or family room…
Oh yes, it’s a living room. Do other people say den and family room? We’re definitely living room people. During the Mongol Rally our team mates were American and they asked us why we kept saying clicks. I didn’t realize that it was a Canadian thing. We say only 50 clicks to go. Kilometers has too many syllables )
A living room, family room, and den, are three different types of rooms. A living room (sometimes called a sitting room) is more formal, for entertaining guests; a family room is for only the family (more private or relaxed); a den is a smallish room, usually with comfortable sitting chairs, a desk, book shelves, and maybe a fireplace.
I served in the US military and we use “clicks” for two things: kilometers and rifle scopes (like, “increase your MOA a half click”).
I’ve seen more than one movie where American soldiers refer to kilometers as ‘clicks’.
I don’t know if it’s uniquely Canadian but I’ve heard clicks used quite a bit instead of kilometres. As in, “that car got up to 100 clicks.”
I just replied about this on another comment but I think you are right. We drove from England to Mongolia with two Americans and they had never heard of the term clicks. Dave and I would say things like the next town is about 50 clicks away. Finally they said “Why do you say clicks” we replied “I don’t know. It’s just what we call km. Kilometers is pretty long when you think about it. Clicks is much better.
Foolscap is used in Canada but not the US. It might be a Britishism but it’s also Canadian.
Fun article – but many manyof the claims in the comments are not solely Canadian.
Mickie is used a variety or places, though it is an older term that i’ve hear in old movies, Thong is used all the time in Australia and NZ, I nknow some Americans who say hoser, I heat take off all over the place, as with sasquatchm yak, francophone and Kraft Dinner… though a lot of people have also taken to calling it KD.
Or maybe Canadian influence is just starting to spread…?
There’s a lto of word also that i hear all the time here, and not just in the US or elsewhere. Dinner, backpack, Robe (my household says robe, but others respond with Ooohh.. you mean a house coat?) taking a shower, and a nap.
And i notice that those of us who lived in northern ON say packsack…but no one else does! Is there anywhere else in Canada that also says this??
I also remember that the term “sled” was not a toboggan, but a ski-do. And what about crazy carpet? Oh the numerous words we have for our winter supplies…
Thanks for all the input, awesome additions. I have heard other people say packsack before and ski do is the word we use for snowmobile. As far as Hoser goes, that is definitely a Canadian influence spreading. Bob and Doug Mackenzie made it famous in the 70’s and it ended up taking of eh.
Just wanted to wish everyone a great Christmas this year. It’s been pretty cold in Scotland but I hear it’s nothing compared to Edmonton’s weather.
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In Saskatchewan, people call hoodies “bunnyhugs”. I was in my 20s before I learned that was a Saskatchewan expression :S
Thanks Andre, I have heard of BunnyHugs. Great Canadian Word indeed!
oh yea i most definitly adore BACON!
Mmm, backbacon:)
Ha, love this! We have Toffee Crisps here (must be close) and Smarties too, but can’t remember the last time I saw them on sale…. What about deep fried pickles? Only seen those in Alberta. And let’s not forget donairs! Anyways… 😉
I forgot about Toffee Crisps. I didn’t think that they made those anymore! Deep fried pickles eh, that is one that I have not tried, it is amazing what you can learn from people visiting your own country. You are more observant than us! Thanks.
I love this post! Great job! I have also recognized that People in America often call supper, dinner. Some people in Canada call it Dinner, but not as often.
One word that is mostly only used in SK, is BunnyHug. It’s basically just a hoodie!
Don’t forget the iconic Nova Scotia toast “sociable”! Works best with an Alexander Keith’s India Pale Ale in hand. No Canadian party is complete without it.
Excellent suggestions! We love Keith’s it is one of our favourite beers. We get a lot of flack due to the fact that we’re drinking Miller in the photograph:)
and idk of candians pronouce it the same way but in northern us. states like pennsylvania, new york and maryland they pronounce “water” as “Wo-der” and in the southern states like florida , georgia and alabama we say “Wa-ter” even though its the same word “Water”
Hi Dante, I don’t know if these guys are commenting here anymore, but this is a blog about “Canadian” things. When Canadians use the word “Poke” it means just that. He poked me in the eye. Canadians do pronounce the “R” in Pork. There you have it.
Thanks k.c. yes, I think that Dante may have thought this was about words in general, which is ok with us. Always fun to hear about what is different in each country and area that they live in.
dont use the word B’Y in america dont forget if its pronounced “bi” , in america that term is short for bisexual (person who is attracted to both genders) =] so becareful with that word in america newfies… btw idk if u guys use it but in my island region in the florida keys we use “O” instead of “or” like EX: would you like a coke “O” some pepsi?… we also use “Pok” kinda like “pork” but just take the are away we use it to refer to pig products like bacon and porkchops EX: would you like some “Pok” for breakfast? EX 2: would u like some “Pok” for dinner? like i cant explain explain exactly how to understand it its just something you have to have grown up using to understand exactly which product someone is talking about
We have smarties in America. They’re just not as popular.
From a fellow Canadian residing temporarily in the U.S., Smarties in the U.S. are not the same. They have no chocolate in them. They are much like our “lovehearts” candy.
Emjoying your blog, thanks.
Ah, that explains it. I have heard Americans say that they don’t like Smarties and I can’t understand why. Now we know, ours are just better in Canada. Cheers!
Specifically, in Canada, Smarties are a version of the M&M. In the US, what they call Smarties, we call Rockets.
I got a few words which aren’t on here: Cowtown, Bytown, Canuck, Mickie, Hoser, two-six, cherry picker, puck bunny,francophone, allophone, coulee and yak 🙂 Canada Kicks Ass!!
Thanks for the additions. Mickie-I think we are the only ones that call the small bottle of booze a mickie..good one. I don’t know two-six, what is it used for. Allophone is new to me too and so is coulee. You’ve given me some homework. And I agree, we do kick ass don’t we
A two-six is 26 ounces of hard liquor, an allophone is a resident whose first language is not English or French and a coulee is a valley. There’s also prairie oysters which are a bull’s casterated testicles (sounds gross, I know), sasquatch which is like a yeti, thong which is slang for flip-flops or sandels and I think the former name of Toronto is Motown so yeah, there’s another one lol. I actually live in Scotland but I have Canadian relatives on my dad’s side and I’d move there in a heartbeat. It’s one place in the world where you can find equality and freedom of speech. Plus, it is the most beautiful country. What’s not to love, eh? 🙂
Thanks Robert! I learned a lot from you. We would love to have you in Canada
PS, the former name of Toronto is Hogtown and not Motown. I don’t know what I was thinking of hahah
Haha, that sounds like something I would do. I often think one thing and then write another.
A Canadian Moment, Tuque, Beer, Winter????? You should be ashamed of yourself!!!!!!! Drinking Miller you pussy!!!!! Get some good Canadian beer and then think about calling yourself a Canadian man!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, we blame my brother, that is all he had in the house:)
Ah, but you’re wrong on one count – we also call it a washroom in the U.S., at least where I grew up in the Midwest. I also just recently realize that they call it a toilet around most of the rest of the world, including Australia. I was told by an Aussie that they never correct us because they can figure out what we mean, but to them it’s a toilet. The little things you’d never know if you didn’t travel!
Ah interesting. I thought that the US called it a bathroom and a restroom. Good to know that we have similar tastes when it comes to our toilet chat:)
Buttertarts are Canadian and the term ‘courier’ eg, FedEx, etc. Having worked in NYC, I was surprised how many unique Canadian words and references exist. I thought it was hilarious that toque is a ‘ski cap’ in the States. A ski cap? Please!
Andy, you are so right about the Buttertarts. I should have put that in. I think I wrote about it in an old food post. Here is the post about Canada’s lack of food identity
others say Robe
Jesus Murphey– we all say it.. “look ma, the neighbors walking around in his underwear” “Jesus Murphey!”
mickey, bottle of liquor (13oz)
“Take Off” instead of “Get Lost”.
chesterfield: a sofa or couch
fire hall: fire station
I use all of those except for “take off”. Honestly, I don’t think I’ve heard too many people use that one except when mimicking Bob & Doug (which, admittedly, people do a lot).
Where I grew up, the kids played “Hide and Go”, not “Hide and Seek”.
My wife and I are getting ready to move to Canada after leaving 5 years ago. I’m Canadain and she’s “merican”. I explained that once she gets there, she’ll have to learn Canadian and she could then say that she’s bilingual. “Y’all going to lunch, eh”. Wonder if she put that she’s bilingual on her resume. lol
I’ve got a few more for you guys.
Pencil Crayons – coloured pencils (also only we spell colour with a “u”).
Farmers Tan – a tan that stops just below your shoulder due to wearing t-shirts too much.
Kraft Dinner – macaroni and cheese.
Naniamo Bar (obviously) – basically a chocolate sandwich with some kind of wierd cream in the middle (it is so good).
Fire Hall – I guess other people may call it a fire station but I’m not sure.
I got all of these off another website so they may not be true (I just assumed).
I’m from Malaysia but I studied and live in Washington A.C. Yes, not D.C. This is the state of Washington, Above California. And I love to converse with my college mates from up north British Columbia and Alberta, just to listen to them use the ‘eh’ word. I used that a lot even after I graduated.
It’s similar to a very Malaysian word ‘lah’ which we add to everything we say. For example, if we disagree, we’ll say “no lah”. Instead of saying “Let’s go!”, we say “let’s go lah”. It softens the expression and instead of it sounding like a command, it becomes more like a persuasion. So, come lah, come visit Malaysia and see for yourself. 😉
I think pilon is a Canadian word. You know, the usually orange cone things used for construction and sports. When I was in the southern US and said pilon, no one knew what I meant. They all said cone. When I hear ‘cone’ I think of an icecream cone.
Great suggestion. I didn’t know that Americans didn’t call it a Pilon. I wonder if anyone else in the world calls it a pilon or is it just we Canadians?
its so cool looking at how different we use slang :’) over here in england the younger generation calls them traffic cones and the older generation call them pilons, reading your blog has been really interesting! 🙂
How about:
“I am sorry” – The original Canadian phrase we use all the time (trust me I have been to places where people will slam into you and walk away like you were a pilon.
Canuck – though the term will probably be more of how others call us.
“Beaver tail” – 😀
There are probably more but so far I can not think of any
Rado, so true. We catch ourselves saying it all the time. And wish sometimes others would say it just a little bit. Thanks for the input.
CHESTERFIELD!!!! My parents always used the term chesterfield instead of couch/sofa
POP…i dunno if this is accurate but i notice most americans and ppl from other countries call it soda…POP!
Thats enough from me….think im gonna go relax on the chesterfield with a pop.
So true! Pop is a Canadian thing and everyone else says soda. Soda is so strange to our ear.
You are so right. Soda is what others call it, Canadians call it pop. Chesterfield, that is a good one, I forgot about that one. Thanks for the imput!
Everyone in Kansas calls it pop. I don’t hear anyone call it soda. That would be weird!
That’s cool Mel, I didn’t realize that it was called pop in Kansas. I agree, soda is weird to my ears.
Just ran across this article and had to respond to “pop”. While I know it is used in at least Ontario (where I have family), it originated in Detroit, where I’m from. Midwesterners call in pop, East Coast/West Coast call it soda, and Southerners call in coke (i.e. a Coke-Cola or a Pespi coke).
Thanks for the information Zach. I didn’t realize it originated in Detroit, however I have heard a lot of people from Michigan say pop too so that explains it!
I thought it was toque not tuque.
Hi Person, it can be spelled both ways, tuque or toque. Tuque is the French spelling but the English have adopted Toque and even Touque. Since it is pronounced “tewk” we like spelling it the French way since it looks more like the way it is pronounced. When I see toque, it makes me think that it is pronounced more like Toke, or took. But you are right, either way is the proper spelling.
How about ‘hoser’ from the MacKenzie brothers?
‘Two-four’ was a big one for me back in the day. 🙂
Does your grandmother call ‘lunch’ dinner and dinner ‘supper?’
My grandma also calls her sofa a Davenport.
.-= John Bardos – JetSetCitizen´s last blog ..Interview with World Travelers, Uncornered Market =-.
Hi John, We call our dinner supper a lot as well. I didn’t think of that one. And hoser is a popular one as well. I love that we use two-four when buying beer, it is just so Canadian.
my grandma also calls couches CHESTERFIELDS!
the other thing – small difference – im canadian living in the US and people make fun of me for saying “I’m having a shower” or “I’m gonna have a nap” – they only use “taking” for showers and naps.
good one on knapsack!!
Another is using the word “line-up” as a noun. Most Americans just “lines”
Very true, we have definitely heard the term chesterfield a lot. I didn’t realize that Americans say, taking a shower. I’m with you, I’m having a nap and a shower:)
Hahaha, there’s also several ways you can use it. For example, you can use it when something is incredulous. If your friends say something surprising, spring a “OHHH YIS B’Y!” on them. They’ll love it.
Also works as “you’re an idiot”, but use a different tone. Damn. I should a make a video of this. 😉
.-= Candice´s last blog ..Three-line book review: “Stardust” – Neil Gaiman =-.
Lol! Well, with you swearing by them I’ll give them a shot next time I make it up that way; perhaps it’s like Coke, a different formula overseas 🙂
.-= Shannon OD´s last blog ..A Little Warmth…A Wee Bit of Irish Hospitality =-.
How fun! Will be great to throw out a couple of these when I make it up that way. A couple of Canadians I met in Ireland last month used “eh” ALL the time, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help but snicker! 🙂 Also, I have to disagree on the smarties…they had these abroad and I wasn’t overly impressed, I’ll take my M&Ms!!! 😉
.-= Shannon OD´s last blog ..A Little Warmth…A Wee Bit of Irish Hospitality =-.
Ah! our Beloved Smarties, how could you Shannon??? (I’m just kidding) I didn’t know that they had them abroad. Something tells me that they just don’t make them as well as they do here:-) I do love M&M’s too.
Smarties were introduced by Rowntree of York in 1882. A popular sugar-coated chocolate confectionery available in Europe and the Commonwealth of Nations but not the USA. they were described as “chocolate beans”.
Thanks John, I am always learning so much on this blog.
Just to confuse the issue further, in America they have candies called Smarties, but they are what we call Rockets in Canada — those sourish compressed sugar discs that come in rolls. So it’s possible to have a conversation with an American and think you’re talking about the same thing, when in fact it’s two completely different types of candy!
And Canadian company Ganong claims to have invented to chocolate bar,so I think that give our name precedence, don’t you?
Geez, I’m strangely authoritative about candy. I wonder if that has any correlation to the size of my waistline.
haha, thanks Steph. I didn’t know that there was an American Smarties. The things you learn on a travel blog:)
Hmmm, kinda hard to sound it out…kinda like “boy” without the “o”. Actually, “bi” would be the best example, hahaha. And yeah, “pop”! Not “soda”! Pshhh.
.-= Candice´s last blog ..Lend me your ears. Or brains. =-.
Thanks Candice, I am going to start using B’y. I have some friends from Newfoundland, so I think that I can hear the accent as I am thinking about how to say it:) Nice!
I just saw a comment on digg and they are soooo right. I forgot all about the word “pop” Americans call it soda and that just sounds strange to we Canadians. We say “do you wanna pop?”
I stumbled on this doing research on the usage of the word “pop”. To say that all American’s call it “soda” is grossly inaccurate. The word “pop” to refer to what we know as “soft drinks” is traceable back to Faygo, a Detroit, Michigan company. Because of that, many Michiganders and people from the upper Midwest say Pop. In America, Soda is more prevalent in the West Coast and the Eastern Seaboard. Whereas, in the South, Coke has become the generic term for all soft drinks, regardless of brand. However, there is no real geographic boundary of usage. All examples can be found pretty much anywhere in America. Long story short, Pop is not just a Canadian phenomena. 🙂
Thanks Sean for doing all our research.
My dad’s family uses pop only when our aunt from Canada visits.
We live in Wisconsin…you would be surprised how many people use “soda”, not “pop.”
Awesome! Hahaha. This post is hilarious. I’d like to do one just for Newfoundland words. I was stunned when my solder friend told me that there’s a Tim Horton’s at his base in Afghanistan, he even took some pics for me.
Some additional comments from this Newfie…try adding some turkey dressing to your poutine. Seriously. It’s delicious. In these parts, we also have chips flavoured like Roast Chicken and Fries and Gravy, and soft drinks like Pineapple Crush.
We also use the word “b’y” instead of “eh.” It’s kinda like a term of endearment, “Whatta ya at, b’y?” As in “What’s up, friend?”
.-= Candice´s last blog ..Lend me your ears. Or brains. =-.
Hi Candice, Thanks for the Newfoundland words. How do you pronounce b’y? Is there a way to write it phonetically? Mmm, Pineapple Crush sounds great and I believe you, Turkey dressing sounds like it would be a nice addition to poutine!
Hi Dave
b’y is pronounced like bye with a short e (not pronounced haha)there is also a nice mix of “eh b’y”
“Parkette” (i.e., small park) is a Canadian word. I believe it originated in Ontario.
Thanks for the addition to great Canadian Words Lucy, I have totally used Parkette before. Love it!
We are learning so much. I use the word Parkette too and didn’t know it was from Ontario, our home Province.
no. i’m fluent in English & french. Parkette = Park , In French! I like in Ontario and never do we use that word.
Very funny. I could have used this a few years ago when we lived in Prague. I shared an office with a Canadian and my husband did consulting for a Canadian-owned mobile phone company. Perhaps you could offer cross-cultural courses around the world for Canadian companies 🙂
Enjoyed this post! I linked to it from my site, Living Abroad in Canada, that provides advice for people relocating to Canada:
When I moved to Canada from the U.S., I also had to learn words like garburator (what I knew as a “garbage disposal”), till (cash register), and “writing exams” (rather than “taking exams”).
Excellent contributions Carolyn. I didn’t know that garburator was Canadian or till, or writing exams. Huh, the things you learn writing a blog post:-)
I’ve been so busy picking up (and writing about) words from different countries, that I realize I’ve forsaken my own Canadian heritage! I agree wholeheartedly on all the above terms (“toilet” sounds so much dirtier than “washroom”!), and will also say that I’ve brought Poutine to Australia, and they dig it here. (score! 1 for Canada! They also like pumpkin pie….that’s 2 for Canada!)
Is that MGD I see…? Some Canadian…
Very true, but that is such a Canadian moment in it’s own way. Using an American product is very Canadian.
Oooh, I’d have to do a more in-depth investigation on this one. Oh, I have one…serviette!! (oops, maybe the French use them, too?).
I lived in the Philippines for 20 years. We called our washrooms there…comfort room!
Serviette! That is a good one, my family calls them that too, I didn’t think of that one. I kind of like comfort room. Are the washrooms comfortable in the Philippines?
At last, I can dazzle my Canadian expat friends here in L.A. with my knowledge of “Loonies” — and I have you to thank!
For the record, I grew up in Washington, D.C., and called a backpack a knapsack. So, I’ve got that going for me. If only I’d known I was mimicking Canadians, I could have had a much happier childhood.
And lastly, I don’t know if you guys have a special name for Tim Horton’s doughnuts, but my husband would like to suggest, “Wonder rings of goodness.” Sure, it’s a long one…but pretty darn accurate.
Wonder rings of Goodness, I like that. I do love my Tim Hortons Doughnuts!
Yeah! We share the knapsack with Washington D.C. I knew that the capital city was a smart one:-)
Hey guys! Fantastic post – Now that it’s summer I’m seeing more and more 40+ year old men mowing their lawn flexing that Molson Muscle like no other. A few days ago a friend and me spotted a guy going for a jog in some short shorts, rocking an Ipod & a very athletic Gut.
I wrote a bit of a write up about you two on my blog as well, along with a link to this post. Any potential backpackers heading to Canada need to know a few of these sayings.
Once again, keep up the good work.
Haha, yes you do see a lot of the Molson Muscle cutting lawns in the summer time Corbin. Good one!
Help “fellow Canadians”! (I am proudly “1/2 Canadian” – my Mom was born in 1915 in the small town of Vankleek Hill in NE Ontario. Her name was Pearl Victoria,and sha and my Grandpa Victor Blackwell, spoke a lot of unique phrases as I was growing up in central NY in the 50’s. He was a town blacksmith, along with his father William, in Van Kleek Hill, and continued the trade here in Manlius, when they emigrated in the 40’s. (My Mom pronounced it VAN Klee-kill) Are these phrases familiar to anyone? “By the great horned spoon,” you’ve grown so tall! I’m going out in the yard to talk to Ellen but we’ll only “bat the fat” for a few minutes. (It’s equivalent to the phrase “shoot the breeze” here.) My Mom would look at my dishevelled hair when I woke up, and she’d say to me I looked like “the Wreck of the Hesperus” – a ship that was mentioned in a poem. That’s it! Any of them familar to anyone? I’ve been ever-curious about them for years!! Thanks!
I’d been told I looked like “the wreck of the Hesperus” a couple of times too, although I’d forgotten about that one until you reminded me. So thanks! The other ones aren’t ringing a bell though, I’m afraid.